Myths about Kidney failure treatment

Your kidneys are the couple of organs that responsible for the multiple functions of your body. One of the most important functions of your kidney is to remove toxins from your blood and sending them these toxins in your urine. If your kidneys are not able to execute their functions as they usually, then it signifies the abnormalities with your kidneys.

When your kidneys are not able to perform its functions, then wastes build up and can cause many health-related complications. If this condition remains untreated for a longer time, then it can lead to the failure of your kidneys that needs Kidney treatment naturally.

Ayurveda is the only way to reduce the complications and the causes of this disorder from its roots naturally. If your kidneys fail, then you may need a durable treatment for your kidneys that is only possible with the help of herbal medicines.

It is myth that there is no cure of kidney failure. Those who spread this myth are not aware about the Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure that is hundred percent safe and hazards free.

What are the causes of kidney failure?

Several causes of kidney failure are as follows:

  • High blood sugar level
  • Urinary tract Infections 
  • Heart attack or cardiovascular disorders
  • Consumption of drugs and alcohol in excess amount
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • Certain medicines that can damage your kidneys
  • Autoimmune disorders 
  • Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder
  • A nephrotic syndrome is a group of the symptom

Kidney failure is not a permanent disease because it can be curable with the help of Ayurveda at any stage. Ayurvedic Kidney failure treatment can prove very helpful in the treatment of this disorder.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

Some non-specified symptoms of kidney failure are as follows:

  • Low urine frequency 
  • Edema, swelling in your legs, ankles, and feet due to the fluid accumulation in your body
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • The problem in thinking clearly
  • Pressure in your chest 
  • Coma and seizers 

After the occurrence of the symptoms of this disorder, you have to reach your health care provider as soon as possible. Ayurvedic physicians may guide you better to fight from this health condition.

Why Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the oldest healing procedure that can maintain an accurate balance between mind, body, and soul. Note, here spirit means conscience, not a real soul. Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure involves the use of natural herbs that can prove valuable for your kidneys. Ayurvedic treatment also involves some dietary modifications that are necessary for the kidney patients that are mentioned below:

  • Reduce the intake of sodium, phosphorus, potassium, and protein. These elements are important but should be restricted during kidney disease.
  • Drink plenty of water or you can consult your doctor about how much fluid you should consume in a day. You are always advised to avoid soda because it can damage your kidneys.
  • Add fiber, fruits, and vegetables in your diet
  • Moderate exercise, Yoga, and 15 minutes walking can help your kidneys.

Best Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Failure – Successfully 35000 Patients

Dialysis and kidney transplants are the ultimate treatment of this health condition but they are not sufficient enough to cure kidney failure. Advanced technologies have been used in these treatments and can give you relief from the symptoms of this disorder but are not sufficient enough to prevent the reoccurrence of this disorder. These treatments are risky and nature and should be avoided as much as you can. There are several health complications of using these types of treatments, as well. Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda uses natural herbs like Punarnava, gokshura, kaasni, and many more that can prevent this disorder from reoccurring. You have to choose the hospital and the treatment wisely as your career and health relies on this treatment.

Karma Ayurveda is an Ayurvedic kidney health care, centered in Delhi. Karma Ayurveda has more than 35000 kidney patients that are living a disease-free life with the Ayurvedic treatment provided by the hospital. Here, Dr. Puneet Dhawan is leading this kidney care hospital intending to cure kidney disease without dialysis. Here, you will be going to get the best Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda.

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