Ayurvedic Kidney failure treatment: A permanent and Hazard-free Solution

Ayurvedic Kidney failure treatment: A permanent and Hazard-free Solution  
What is kidney failure?        
Kidney failure also called end-stage renal failure is the condition in which the glomerular filtration rate goes significantly down to 15 or less which indicates that the kidneys have lost their functionality completely. In this condition, the patient won’t be able to survive longer in the absence of a proper and prompt treatment. Mainly, dialysis and kidney transplant are recommended by a large chunks of Allopathic doctors.      
What are the types of kidney failure?    

In general, there are five types of Kidney failure which are described below:   

Acute Prerenal kidney failure          

When the flow of blood to the kidneys is affected, it can cause acute prerenal kidney failure. Due to loss of blood flow to the kidneys, the main function of the kidneys is affected and they become diseased. The condition can be cured if your doctor detects the cause of the disease.   
Acute Intrinsic kidney failure      

Acute intrinsic kidney failure can occur due to any direct trauma to the kidneys such as accident or direct injury to the kidneys. Apart from, toxins overload and lack of oxygen supply to the kidneys are also some causes of Acute intrinsic kidney failure.                  

Chronic Prerenal kidney failure 

If the condition of not enough blood supply to the kidneys occurs for prolonged, it can cause kidneys to get shrink. Consequently, the functionality of the kidneys gets affected significantly.   

Chronic Intrinsic kidney failure         

This type of kidney failure occurs when long-term damage to the kidneys due to intrinsic kidney disease takes place. The causes of this kidney failure are severe bleeding and lack of oxygen.  

Chronic Post-renal kidney failure   

A prolonged obstruction or blockage of the urinary tract influences the urine elimination. This condition causes pressure in the urinary tract that can lead to kidney damage.          

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?   
Being a fatal health condition, several signs can appear in kidney failure. In this condition, the kidneys are completely damaged and lose their functionality entirely so they a large number of symptoms can appear. Some of the major symptoms of kidney failure as follow:  
Nausea and Vomiting   
Swelling in hands, ankles or feet  
Not feeling hungry  
Problem in sleeping    
Muscle cramping   
Skin itching   
Not able to focus    
Abdominal pain
Blood in the urine
Protein in the urine    
Foamy urine

Many other symptoms can also be visible when kidney failure hits you. Being a serious health condition, this treatment requires adequate instantly otherwise it can cause a patient to lose his life.                

What are the causative factors for kidney failure?    
Kidney failure is the last stage of chronic kidney disease and many factors can be responsible for causing this condition to occur.      

High blood pressure  
Nephrotic Syndrome
Polycystic kidney disease  
Loss of blood flow to the kidneys   
Urinary tract infection                   

Apart from these, many other factors can be responsible for the occurrence of kidney failure. If you get any factor that can influence the health of the kidneys, you should immediately take steps to eliminate or cure that factor so that it can’t harm your kidneys.                            

How kidney failure can be diagnosed?     

Kidney failure is a serious health condition so one should immediately go for the lab tests to determine the condition before it’s too late. The lab tests that are conducted for determining kidney failure are as below;     
Blood tests- Blood tests are conducted to determine the level of substances present in the blood. Creatinine, Albumin, Urea and Electrolyte levels, etc. are measured by blood sampling test.             
Urine tests- In the condition of kidney diseases, urine tests are primary tests that are performed to determine the amount of protein and blood in the urine.        
Screening tests- Renal Ultrasound, CT Scan, and MRI use some specific types of waves or frequencies to present the images of the internal part of the kidneys. The pictures help in detecting if there comes any kind of changes in the form of kidneys.       
Biopsy- This test uses some small kidney tissue to examine under a microscope. The aim of this test is to determine the present functioning ability of the kidneys.                             
With the help of these tests, the entire condition of the kidneys can be determined. If you undergo some of these tests and your tests’ reports are showing abnormal measures then you should immediately reach a kidney expert.         
What are the best kidney failure treatments available?   
Several treatment methods claim to cure the condition of kidney failure but most of them get failed. In other words, only a few remedial systems have the potential to treat kidney failure permanently so choosing the best kidney failure treatment system is a challenging task. But here we’ll tell you the best Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment.   

Allopathic treatment for kidney failure  

Allopathy is an advanced treatment method that utilizes some medications and artificial treatment procedures. Additionally, it also takes the help of a surgery to cure a health disorder. But, this treatment method has a major limitation that doesn’t allow it to serve as a permanent treatment; Allopathy works on the complications instead of the root causes. It aims to suppress the complications of a health disorder due to which you feel that the treatment is working well but when you leave the treatment, you get the complications back because they are not treated from their roots. In kidney failure condition, this treatment method recommends dialysis or organ transplant along with medications. Where dialysis is an artificial treatment procedure that carries out some of the primary functions of the kidneys when kidneys lose their functionality; on the other hand, kidney transplant is a surgical process in which the transplantation of a healthy kidney at the place of a diseased kidney is performed. But this treatment procedure doesn’t guarantee a permanent treatment even after the successful processing of such kind of complex procedures. Due to the usage of drug-based medications and these kinds of complicated treatment procedures, Allopathy can cast several health side-effects so it can’t be taken as a permanent kidney failure treatment.   

Ayurvedic treatment approach for kidney failure   

As we all know that, Ayurveda is the oldest remedy science or treatment method that encompasses the knowledge of every single aspect of the human body; be it working principle, functionality, diseases and their causes. Ayurvedic treatment procedure includes identifying the exact causes of a disease and fixing them. Ayurvedic treatment uses natural herbs and some lifestyle change to cure a health disorder. In other words, Ayurveda works on the deep causes of a health disorder to cure it permanently. An Ayurvedic doctor also recommends a patient to follow a customized diet and some yogic activities as per their health condition. In the condition of kidney failure, Ayurveda uses the same above-described treatment procedure to cure this fatal health disorder. In Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment, diet and yoga play a pivotal role along with medications. This method uses sacred herbs in their unrefined form and some natural treatment procedures for kidney failure treatment. This treatment doesn’t take the help of dialysis or organ transplant because it works on bringing back the natural health of the kidneys and make them as healthy as earlier.  

Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment offers a permanent and hazard-free solution for this severe kidney disorder.       
 Based on the above facts, we can say that Ayurvedic kidney failure treatment is the best and permanent treatment for this life-threatening health disorder.
If you are suffering from any type of kidney failure, contact Karma Ayurveda for the best and permanent solution

Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment In Ayurveda

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