Is it true that consuming medicines can cause Proteinuria?

Is it true that consuming medicines can cause Proteinuria?

Proteinuria is a condition of the human body that loses protein in the excess amounts from the body in urine. It is usually be confused with Albuminuria and Uremia. But both the terms are different from Proteinuria.
Certain causes develop the condition of Proteinuria and that is what we are going to talk about throughout the blog today.
Every medicine that you consume to treat the unhealthy condition of any part or organ in humans goes to kidneys for the filtration process.
When the chemicals used in these medicines are strong, kidneys get under a lot of pressure to filter these chemicals. Henceforth, kidneys’ filtering units Glomerulus starts to get damaged because of which the filtration process gets obstructed and releases even the substances that a body needs.
Let us recapitalize Proteinuria, what it is; what are the symptoms and its Ayurvedic treatment.

What were the causes of Proteinuria?

Following were the causes of Protein loss in the urine:
·         Diabetes
·         High blood pressure
·         Overconsumption of drugs and narcotics
·         Alcohol
·         Obesity
·         Trauma
·         Age factors
·         Family history of kidney diseases
·         Auto-immune diseases
·         Weaker immunity system
·         Preeclampsia
·         Frequent infections in the renal system

How did you come to know about Proteinuria? 

You must have noticed the following symptoms when you were caught by the leakage of Proteinuria:
·         Swelling in feet & hands
·         Yellow, dark yellow or changed color of urine.
·         Nausea & vomiting
·         Inflammation while urinating
·         Abnormal pain in the abdominal area
·         Dry skin
·         Shortness of breath
·         Lost appetite
·         Foamy or bubbly pee.
·         Weight increase because of liquid retention.
·         Diminished hunger.
·         Puffy eyes.
·         Increased or decreased output of urine.
·         The pale color of the urine.
·         Blood in the urine.
·         A sudden change of diet.
·         Weakness in the body.
·         Muscle cramps
What helped you to confirm the situation?

When you got to know about this kidney disorder, you must have visited your nearest physician and then a laboratory to get the tests done (as per your physicians’ advice), that were:
·         Urine Test and
·         Blood Test

Urine Test:
During this test, you were asked to deposit a sample of your urine, either for a one-time urine sample or for a whole day.
This test must have helped your nephrologist in determining the amount of protein you were releasing through urine.

Blood Test:
During this test, you were asked to deposit a sample of your blood for once.
This test must have helped your nephrologist in determining the amount of protein that was lacking in your blood.

What were the risks that forced you to take treatment?
Following were the risks that were told:
·         Weaker immunity
·         Increased levels of toxins
·         High blood pressure
·         Diabetes
·         Obesity
·         Kidney infections
So that was a recapitalization of Proteinuria in precise. Now let us talk about the types of medicines that cause Proteinuria.

How medications cause Proteinuria?
The major cause of concern in any type of kidney disease is the intake of several drugs and medications to ease the problems in your bodies. Following are the supporting causes of Proteinuria:
·         Consumption of painkillers
·         Overconsumption of antibiotics
·         Dyes used during the screening tests
·         Consumption of illegal drugs
·         Consumption of alcohol

Consumption of painkillers:
We rush to the nearest pharmacist and chemists to get a pill that can give you relief from the pain caused to your body in any way.
None of these medicines should be taken unless the pain actually becomes unbearable or should be taken as per the advice of your physician only.
Your kidneys filter the chemicals released to ease the pain are strong enough to damage the tiny filters present in kidneys in no time.

Overconsumption of antibiotics:
Kidney patients need to watch out the intake of antibiotics or with the advisory of their certified Nephrologist only. It is not that only kidney patients are needed to watch out the intake, also if you are a normal person then also you are advised to consume antibiotics only when prescribed by your healthcare provider to reduce the risk of Proteinuria a bit.

 Dyes used during the screening tests:
Imaging tests like MRI Scans and CT scan are the types of tests that use contrast dye that becomes harmful for kidneys. And if you are a kidney patient then you are at the highest risk of getting the situations to worsen.

 Consumption of illegal drugs:
Illegal drugs like heroin, cocaine, and ecstasy boost the blood pressure of the human body. These drugs may lead to situations when you become more prone to stroke, heart failure, and at the time even death.
The consumption of these drugs is done to get temporary relief from pain and sorrows or just for the sake of new energy that gets after the consumption. But it leaves a severe bad impact on the filtering organs of the body that is kidneys.

Consumption of alcohol:
Heavy drinking can hurt both your kidneys and your liver. Alcoholics have a high risk of developing both kidney and liver failure.

According to the website of Karma Ayurveda, the following are the precautions and guidelines provided during the treatment:
·         Drink 8 ounces of water. Make a fixed time for lunch & dinner.
·         Don’t consume any raw vegetables.
·         Don’t consume any vegetables with seeds.
·         Don’t consume milk directly in raw form, consume only in the boiled form (if given).
·         Remove the peel and seeds of the fruit.
·         Boil vegetables properly before cooking.
·         Use Rock salt (3-4 gm per day).
·         Use olive/mustard/ rice bran oil (1-3 teaspoon per day).
·         Use more of steel utensils for cooking.
If you are looking for a diet plan then you may consult a kidney expert here.

Disclaimer: The above mentioned content is for your reference only. Kindly consult your doctor before applying it to your health.

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