Evincing Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome

Congenital Nephrotic syndrome is a Mendelian trait disease. It marks its presence in the early three months of life. Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome or infantile Nephrotic syndrome becomes evident when the swelling in legs, hands, and feet start to develop. This is one of the kidney disorders that result in malnutrition and End-Stage Kidney Failure.
Now let is evince the pathology of congenital Nephrotic syndrome.
Congenital means right from birth and with this it can be understood the aetiology of this disorder.
·         Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome is an Autosomal recessive genetic disorder. It means that both the biological parents have transferred the mutated gene to their child that has caused Infantile Nephrotic Syndrome.
·         NPHS1 (Finnish Type): It is a gene that encodes for a protein-type Nephrin. This is a cause of Congenital Nephrotic syndrome that loses fewer amounts of protein in urine within the initial days of the birth.
·         NPHS2: It is a gene that encodes for a protein-type Podocin. This is a cause of Congenital Nephrotic syndrome that loses protein in urine in abnormal amounts when compared to NPHS1 or Finnish Type.
·         Denys-Drash Syndrome: It is a rare syndrome that results in a mutated WT1 (Wilms tumor suppressor) gene.
·         Frasier Syndrome: It is a kidney disease that hit at early childhood by damaging the tiny clusters of kidneys (Glomeruli).
·         WAGR Syndrome: It is a rare disease that affects multiple organs and systems of the body.
·         Pierson syndrome: It is a syndrome that affects kidneys and eyes.
·         Maternal lupus: Lupus is an auto-immune disease that attacks healthy tissues and cells of the body. When the biological mother is diseased with lupus it increases the chances of her child to get attacked by congenital Nephrotic syndrome.
·         And other diseases like HIV, Hepatitis B, Rubella, and Syphilis
Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome can be evinced by the following prodromes (Symptoms):
·         Proteinuria: It is a loss of protein in abnormal quantities and the urine looks like frothy and foamy.
·         Edema: It is the swelling in legs, hands, and feet may be because of fluid retention in the body of an infant.
·         Pulmonary oedema: It is a condition where fluid retention in tissues and air spaces has blocked the passage and lead to severe cough and cold.
·         Ascities: When fluid retention is above 25 ml in the abdominal area, the condition is termed as Ascities.
·         Widened cranial sutures.
·         Fontanelle: It is a space between the skulls of an infant.
Other supporting symptoms of congenital Nephrotic syndrome disorder are:
·         Low birth weight.
·         Decreased output of urine.
·         Poor appetite.
·         Pale fingernails.
·         Dull hair.
·         Intolerance of food.
·         Food allergies.
·         Restlessness
·         Discomfort.
·         This is the condition that can be diagnosed when the baby is under the womb of a mother by performing tests like ultrasound and genetic tests.
·         It can also be detected after the birth of an infant. By analyzing the urine passed by an infant and checking blood pressure that can be high during Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome.
·         A doctor may ask you to get the blood test done of your child to examine the loss of protein and fluid build up in the blood.
·         A doctor may also check the abnormal sounds in the lungs and may hear a heartbeat with a stethoscope.
The medicament of this disorder should be done at the earliest. If not treated on time then it can become a life-threatening disease to your child/infant. Following are the guidelines that will be involved during the treatment:
·         Controlling the damage caused by the infections.
·         Controlling blood pressure.
·         Recommending Herbs that can act as diuretics to remove the excess of fluids.
·         Recommending NSAIDs to control the loss of protein.
·         Water pills to remove excess fluids.
·         Dialysis
·         Transplant.
The aforesaid was based on the common types of treatment but if you want your kid to be out of surgical procedures and chemical salts. Choose a type of treatment that does not include such ethics and is side effects free and that is Ayurvedic treatment for Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome.
Disease prevalence:
As Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome is a rare disease, so the disease prevalence is found in one infant out of one lakh infants.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Kidney Creatinine

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