Image result for kidney problemsKidneys are a very vital organ of the human body. It is located below the ribs and behind the belly of the human on either side of the spine. The size of the kidneys is said to be 4 or 5 inches in length. It can barely reach the size of the human fist. Keeping the size in mind, the function it performs is tremendous. It filters the blood, removes the waste out of the body, and maintains the balance of fluid in the body. It also keeps a check on the level of electrolytes. Both the kidneys of the human contain more than a million tiny filters. These filters are named as the nephrons. The kidney is indeed a great wonder we know the complete human body is a wonder. There is nothing in the world that stays forever and so as the body and the organs.  Many reasons can cause many kidney problems. It can be an unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy eating and drinking habits, or there can be faults in our genes.
Sometimes, the body shows the symptoms as soon as some foreign elements enter our bodies. The symptoms of kidney disease can be seen when the kidney loses 90% of its working. Keeping the modern scenario in mind, we can say that a large part of the population rush towards the artificial treatments that can add more to their disease. The USP of these artificial treatments is that they are less time-consuming. However, people are not known to the fact that these treatments are just providing them with extended survival and not with a life that is entirely free from disease. Keeping all these aspects of artificial treatment in mind, it is  apparent that Ayurvedic treatment for kidney problems is the best of all. It has been discussed in this blog that how Ayurveda can treat different kidney problems. 
Ayurvedic methods for the treatment of kidney problems are said to be the most effective methods of treatment, which is authentic and based entirely on nature. Ayurvedic treatment comprises of many effective natural herbs that help in the cleaning of the channels of kidneys. These herbs directly target the underlying causes of kidney problems and help in the rejuvenation of the cells of the kidneys. These herbs and the treatment thus provided strengthen the kidneys and restore its essential functioning, i.e. filtration. All these procedures and herbal methods also eliminate the need for dialysis or kidney transplant. Ayurvedic treatment for kidney patients is much more than herbs. It also includes dietary changes and other related lifestyle changes for the betterment of diseased kidneys. Some of the Ayurvedic measures for kidney treatments are as follows –

a.       Blood pressure and diabetes are said to be the primary cause of kidney disease. Therefore, in Ayurveda, it is suggested to prevent the problems of hypertension and diabetes. 
b.      Controlling the weight of the body, level of cholesterol, and consumption of alcohol is also important to prevent kidney disease. 
c.       Saying no to fatty, oily, and fried foods can be a very good habit on can develop for the prevention of kidney disease. 
d.      Many regulations are made when it comes to the consumption of potassium and proteins. Food like carrots, apples, and cabbage are good sources of potassium, whereas cereals, certain vegetables, and fruits are said to be a good preference for the prevention of kidney disease. 
e.      It is also important to restrict the intake of sodium in the food we eat. For this, one should omit or minimize the use of salt in their diet. 

These were some Ayurvedic measures that can help a patient to ultimately fight against kidney problems and get the assured result that comes naturally. All the things required in this method of treatment are readily available in Mother Nature and oriented in the direction to fill the diseased person with new energy and a healthy life.