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What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is a common health condition in which the long term forces of the blood exerts pressure against the artery wall. It is high enough to cause several health conditions, such as heart disease and kidney disease. It is determined by the amount of resistance to blood flow in the arteries and the blood pumps by the heart.

Anyone can have high blood pressure or hypertension for years without any symptoms. During hypertension without any indication, this health condition can damage the blood vessels and the heart. Even without symptoms, this health disorder can be detected easily. Uncontrolled high blood pressure increases the risk of having severe health complications, including strokes and heart attacks.

It takes many years to develop, and it also affects most of the people. Once this health condition is detected, then high blood pressure treatment is possible.

What causes high blood pressure?

The causes of high pressure usually depend upon its type. There two types of hypertension and both of them have different reasons. Types of hypertension are as follows:

  • Primary hypertension – It is also known as essential hypertension. It develops over time with no attributable cause. Most of the people have this type of hypertension. Researchers are still clueless, that why the causes of hypertension take time to increase. A combination of the factors of hypertension plays a significant role such as Genes, Physical changes, and Environment.
  • Secondary hypertension – It may occur quickly and can become more severe than primary hypertension. Some of the factors that are responsible for the hike in the blood pressure are kidney disease, obstructive sleep apnea, congenital heart defects, and many more.

Some causes are there that can occur in both types of hypertension are as follows:

  1. Smoking – Smoking does not directly affect blood pressure. It narrow your arteries just like the blood pressure does and that increases the flow of your blood. It may also increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. 
  2. Being overweight – With the increase in body weight, there is also a sudden hike in the blood pressure. Generally, if anyone is overweight, then he/she is at more risk of developing high blood pressure.
  3. Lack of physical activity – low physical activity is directly linked with the weight gain because it can increase your blood pressure level. 
  4. Too much consumption of salt in the diet – Consuming salt can increase the level of sodium in your blood, and that will collapse the delicate balance of minerals. It may reduce the ability of the kidneys to remove the excess fluids from the blood. The patient needs to follow the high blood pressure diet that includes the consumption of the low sodium diet.
  5. Excess alcohol consumption – If you are taking more than 2 or 3 drinks in a day regularly, then it will raise your blood pressure to dangerous level. If you drink more, then it will result in long term hypertension.
  6. Stress – When anyone is stressed, then their body may surge to the hormones that can increase the blood pressure for the temporary period by causing the heart to beat faster.
  7. Older age – The high blood pressure with the old age is most commonly associated with the structural changes in the arteries. 
  8. Genetics – Genetic factor is more likely to play some role in high blood pressure. The risk of having high blood pressure increases, when the heredity combines with an unhealthy lifestyle like smoking cigarettes and consuming an unhealthy diet.
  9. Chronic kidney disease – Chronic kidney disease can cause high blood pressure and vice versa. During kidney disease, there is a reduction in the blood supply that will increase your blood pressure level. If the situation gets worse, you may also face heart disorders.
  10. Adrenal and thyroid disorders – It is a rare tumor that is usually found in an adrenal gland that may increase the production of the hormones named adrenaline and noradrenalines. These can also lead to long-term hypertension or short-term spikes in the blood pressure.

Proper high blood pressure treatment is necessary because it can lead to kidney disease.

What Is Normal Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is written like reading like 125/85. Generally, it is read as the 125 over 85. Systolic is the upper number, and the lower number is diastolic. The blood pressure ranges are as follows:

·         Normal blood pressure is Less than 120 over 80 (120/80)
·         Elevated blood pressure is 120-129/less than 80
·         Stage 1 hypertension is 130-139/80-89
·         Stage 2 hypertension is 140 and above/90 and above

If anyone’s blood pressure is above from the normal level, then he/she should need to talk to the doctor or dietician for the proper high blood pressure diet. 
If not consulted by the doctor, then severe health complications like kidney disease/failure can transpire.

Relationship between kidney disease and high blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is the leading cause of the renal disorder and renal failure. Hypertension damages the blood vessels and filters present inside your kidneys. In that case, the kidneys aren’t able to remove waste from the body that may lead to end-stage renal disease. The ultimate allopathic treatment of the kidney is dialysis and kidney transplant.

Kidney disease treatment

Treatment of kidney disease also involves high blood pressure diet that can reduce the complications of high blood pressure and can prove beneficial in the treatment.

For the better treatment of kidney disease, Ayurveda is the better and safest option, because it is a hundred percent safe and hazards free remedial science. If anyone chooses a reliable and the best hospital for the treatment of kidney disease, then it can help them to live a disease-free life.

Karma Ayurveda is one of the best and most reliable kidney care hospitals that anyone can rely on. Here, Dr. Puneet Dhawan will provide proper guidelines that also include high blood pressure diet for the treatment of any kidney disease.