Does kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda a permanent solution

Kidney disease is the condition in which the kidneys become impaired and hence may lose their functioning ability either partly or entirely. In severe kidney condition, the kidneys become incapable of carrying out their functions which are
· Blood filtration
· Removing wastes and toxins from the blood 
· Balancing the fluid level in the blood as well as the body 
· Regulating blood pressure 
· Producing necessary hormones that help in making red blood cells and ensuring good health of the bones  

These functions are very necessary in order to keep the body healthy and well-working. And when kidneys become incapable of curing these functions, several health complications can appear as consequences. Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda can turn out to be the best solution to cure all sorts of kidney disorders efficiently.      

Symptoms of kidney disorders               
When the kidneys fall ill, several symptoms that can appear in the body. Some of the major symptoms of kidney disorders are listed below: 
· Nausea
· Vomiting
· Swollen ankles, hands, feet or legs
· Blood in urine
· Protein in urine 
· Poor appetite    
· Muscle cramping
· Dry or itching skin 
· Changes in urine output 
· Problem in sleeping
· Lack of concentration 

These are the symptoms that occur in the condition of kidney disorders and most of them appear when the kidneys become damaged severely. As in moderate kidney damage, the symptoms do not appear. As a result, if you get any of the above symptoms, you should immediately make efforts to find the best kidney disease treatment. Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is the most relevant treatment that can help you to get rid of symptoms of the kidney disease as well as the disease itself.                

What may be the causatives of kidney disorders?    

When it comes to the causes of kidney disorders, several factors can be responsible. Some of the major causes of kidney disorders are:  

· Reduced blood flow to the kidneys
· Persistent dehydration 
· Urinary tract infection 
· Obstruction in the urinary tract or flow of urine 
· Any heart disease      
· Consuming over-the-counter medications   

These are some of the major factors that may affect the health as well as the functionality of the kidneys. So, when you get any of the above health condition, you should try to cure these causes when you before they progress to kidney disorder. But when you get kidney disease, kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda can be the best solution to get rid of this condition permanently. Doesn’t matter what the causes of kidney disease is, kidney treatment in Ayurveda is capable of curing all kinds of kidney disorders permanently by working on their root causes.    

Diagnosis of kidney disorders  

If you are experiencing any symptoms of kidney disorder then before going for the treatment, you will have to take some lab tests for the confirmation of kidney diseases. The lab tests that help in detecting kidney disorders are described below: 

Urine test- With the help of urine samples test, the amount of protein and blood in the urine is detected.                                                          
Blood test- This is the test in which the level of albumin, creatinine and blood urea is detected. In the condition of kidney disease, the level of albumin goes down and waste materials increases.                        
Imaging tests- Screening tests like Ultrasound and CT scan are the tests that help in detecting if there comes any obstruction in the urinary tract or kidneys. These tests also help in detecting any abnormality in the size of kidneys.                                        
Biopsy- It is the test in which tiny kidney tissue is examined under a microscope so that to detect the functioning ability of the kidneys.  

Your nephrologist may recommend you to take any of the above tests as per your symptoms visible. The test will help you to detect if you are affected by any kind of kidney disease. If the tests confirm that you are affected by kidney disease then you need proper treatment so that to get rid of all sorts of kidney disorders.

What can be the most promising treatment? 

When it comes to the treatment of kidney disorders, Allopathy recommends many medications, dialysis and organ transplant. Allopathy is a modern treatment science that makes use of medications as well as surgical procedures for curing a health disorder. This treatment procedure works on suppressing the complications of health disorder without reaching its exact causes. So, a patient can also notice the symptoms of disease back even after the completion of a treatment procedure. That’s why it doesn’t serve as a permanent treatment. In the condition of kidney disorders, Allopathy recommends medications for minor kidney disorders and for severe kidney disorders, it prescribes dialysis and organ transplant eventually. Dialysis is an artificial treatment procedure that helps in removing impurities from the blood when kidneys do not perform this task. On the other hand, kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that is used when kidneys become completely incapable of carrying out their natural functions. Both these procedures are very complex in terms of processing and several serious symptoms are associated with them and sometimes a patient may get died during or after these treatment procedures. Based on these facts, we can say that allopathy doesn’t offer permanent treatment and along with that, several hazards are associated with this treatment method. 

Whereas, Ayurveda is a way better treatment that is a complete science of life and encompasses knowledge of curing all sorts of health disorders with the help of natural herbs and conventional treatment procedures. Ayurveda tends to work on the root causes of a disease in order to fix it permanently and let a person attain wellness again. Ayurvedic treatment includes herbal medications, a balanced diet and yoga plan as per your health disorder. This combination is very effective in order to cure a health condition permanently. When it comes to kidney diseases, Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is the most promising treatment that offers permanent treatment for all sorts of kidney disorders without performing any artificial or surgical procedure. Above all, kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is free from any kind of hazards and risks.                                                                                                                                                  

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