Does nephrotic syndrome cause renal failure?

A nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms that result in the elimination of too much protein from the blood. The damage to the glomeruli results in the inflammation of the filters of the kidneys. 
When the kidneys become unhealthy, they result in albumin leakage from the blood. Albumin is a type of protein that performs several regulatory functions, such as maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, regulating blood pressure, and protecting the body against immune system infections.

Due to nephrotic syndrome, the filters of the kidneys let around 3 grams of protein to escape through their filters, which is equivalent to 20 times the amount that healthy kidneys allow.
Since fluid balance is not adequate, it can cause swelling in the feet, ankles, and other parts of the body. Thus, it is essential to ensure that the kidneys remain healthy and functional with the help of ayurvedic medicines.

Does nephrotic syndrome cause renal failure?

Yes, untreated nephrotic syndrome has the tendency to progress to chronic kidney disease and, ultimately, renal failure
In most cases, nephrotic syndrome is easily treatable by adopting a healthy lifestyle and a renal diet plan. But if the signs are ignored in the early stages, you cannot stop the condition from getting chronic in the later stages. So, it is advisable that the situation be treated with the best option, Ayurveda.

Nephrotic syndrome is a telltale sign that there is something not well with the filters or the glomeruli (s). If you take no notice of damage to the kidneys, it can progress easily, but it takes to develop, like years.

What are the signs that should be kept in mind?

The kidney problem becomes severe when they are not treated in the early stages. The damaged cannot be revered until you switch to Ayurvedic ways.

The subtle signs that appear at the time of kidney damage include:
Swelling in the legs, feet, and ankles
Puffiness around the eyes
Weight gain because of fluid retention
Foamy urine
Loss of appetite

What are the causes of nephrotic syndrome?

Nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by the conditions which damage the sieves of the kidneys in the first place. Healthy glomeruli keep the nutrients while the unhealthy kidneys force the nutrients to pass down the filters of the kidneys.

Many other conditions that can interfere with the working of the kidneys include:
Diabetic kidney disease
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis.
Minimal change disease.
Membranous nephropathy
A blood clot in the veins of the kidneys
Systemic lupus erythematosus

The common risk factors for kidney disease include:

Medical conditions that can damage your kidneys, such as diabetes, lupus, etc.
Infections in the body- including Hepatitis B and C, malaria
What are the complications of nephrotic syndrome?
Nephrotic syndrome increases the risk of various complications in the body; some of them include:
Blood clots: Damaged glomeruli results in the loss of blood protein, which prevents blood from clotting in.
Poor nutrition or malnutrition: You may not feel appetite at all during nephrotic syndrome
High blood cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood: As kidney cannot eliminate substances naturally from the blood; it spikes up the cholesterol level in the blood
Chronic kidney failure: Untreated nephrotic failure can increase the risk of developing kidney failure
High blood pressure: Hypertension occurs when an individual loses albumin from the blood
Fluid retention: Low albumin means the body is not able to maintain the right balance of fluid
Edema: Fluid retention further makes body swell
Anemia: Low kidney function implies low RBCs resulting in anemia
Hypothyroidism: It is a condition in which the thyroid gland becomes incapable of producing thyroid hormone.

Ayurvedic approach for nephrotic syndrome

Through the help of Ayurveda, the body can get rid of nephrotic syndrome very easily, yet effectively. Ayurveda is a helpful remedy that helps individuals in having a disease cured of their roots. The nephrotic syndrome ayurvedic medicine in the treatment influence the cells and tissues rejuvenates them naturally so there is no way you can get the disease again.

The goal of the ayurvedic treatment is to:
Relieve the signs
Cure the underlying causes
Improve cells and tissues in the kidneys
Slow down the progression of nephrotic syndrome
The treatment includes:
Maintaining the blood pressure
Reducing cholesterol level with a healthy diet plan
Promoting water consumption to help reduce swelling
Adopting lifestyle measures to reduce the complications of nephrotic syndrome

Herbs that are used in the treatment:

For more information, you can also visit Karma Ayurveda, an ayurvedic kidney hospital in Delhi.  kidney treatment in ayurveda

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