Chronic kidney disease means. 

Like any other kidney problem, chronic kidney disease (CKD) depicts the inability of the kidneys to perform its functions normally, that it is damaged. The word chronic here refers to the long-lasting damage to kidneys over a long period. The damage that CKD causes makes favorable conditions for the waste in the body to build up. Besides, chronic kidney disease does not limit its effects to just the kidneys, but it also damages other body parts and causes health problems. 

Coming towards the function of the kidneys, it does not only filters the waste but also plays a vital role in building bones and producing hormones. Besides, it helps our body to function properly by balancing the salts and minerals like calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and potassium in the body. It also produces hormones to control the blood pressure, form RBC, and strengthening of the bones.

If you let the kidneys get worse, it will end up causing kidney failure. Modern day’s medications and treatment methods suggest options like dialysis, transplant, and many other surgeries as chronic kidney disease treatment. These methods will ruin the body and make it subject to various risks such as a denial of the new organ by the body, infections, etc. and that is why it is always a smart move to choose Ayurvedic kidney treatment over the artificial methods. 

What causes chronic kidney disease? 

The more time spent without treatment, the more you are forcing the disease to stay. Chronic kidney disease has the tendency to get worse with time. The symptoms may go unnoticed for an extended period of time. Sometimes, it takes too long to understand the signs that it comes a time when the kidneys stop its complete functioning and stop working. There are five stages of CKD, and the final stage is known as end-stage renal disease. At this point, treatment becomes the must need without any second thought. The two primary conditions accountable for CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure. Some other known reasons that damage the kidneys are as follows - 

  1. Many autoimmune diseases such as lupus, IgA nephropathy, etc. contribute to chronic kidney disease, and it needs quick treatment.
  2. Genetic disorders like polycystic kidney disease. 
  3. Use of toxic chemicals or drug overuse. 
  4. Any infection or injury to the kidneys. 
  5. Kidney stones are also responsible for causing CKD in a person. 
  6. Reflux nephropathy in which the urine begins to flow back to the kidneys. 
  7. Any problem in the arteries helps the kidneys function. 

It is important to treat all these mentioned diseases to prevent the progression of chronic kidney disease in humans. Ayurvedic kidney treatment is a natural way to heal all the problems of the kidneys. It will help you in the damaged cells rejuvenation and would not cause any side effects.

Above, we have mentioned twice the benefits of treating chronic kidney disease naturally with Ayurveda. Here let us make the benefits of Ayurveda and its treatment methods more clear so that no doubt will ever cross your mind before opting for this natural treatment method. 
  1. The human body is a gift from nature, and nature can take the best care of it. Ayurveda is said to be the mother of all healings, and it is the most ancient treatment method to exist. All the modern treatments are just the derivations of Ayurveda. Ayurveda uses natural herbs to treat the disease. These herbs are very effectively focused on treating the underlying causes of the disease. 
  2. Ayurvedic kidney treatment methods help in the regeneration of the damaged kidney cells with the help of its bioactive property. 
  3. Along with Ayurvedic medicine for kidneys, Ayurveda suggests a small amount of exercise that will help you keep physically fit and active even if you are sick. It includes a small run and light exercises. 
  4. Ayurveda includes some dietary changes that will help you take the required nutrients during the disease and will keep the unwanted nutrients away from your body. 
  5. Ayurveda does not encourage the use of surgeries. It keeps the risk of other related diseases away from the patient. 
 This was to educate you about the disease and treatments related to it.

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