How Ayurvedic treatment helps in curing kidney failure?

Ayurveda is a holistic science of life taken from Indian scriptures or Vedas. This holistic approach believes every person is a specific combination of five elements found in the universe; space, air, fire, water, and earth. This combination forms three life forces or energies known as doshas. A good health depends on the healthy balance among these doshas. Every person has a different balance of doshas and different doshas is dominant in different individual.     

When this specific combination of these doshas imbalances, it can cause several health disorders to occur in the body. Ayurveda believes in this phenomenon and therefore aims to reestablish the disturbed balance to attain a healthy state again. In other words, Ayurveda reaches the roots of disease and works upon them; this is how Ayurveda cures a health disease from its roots so the treatment is permanent.  

During this process, Ayurveda uses natural sacred herbs and some likely treatment procedures that help in the proper treatment of a health disorder. Apart from, Ayurveda also believes that eating habits and other routine habits put a great impact on our health. That’s why Ayurveda analyzes the entire lifestyle of a patient and tells him the changes he needs to be made in his lifestyle for attaining as well as maintaining good health. This is the core principle of Ayurvedic healing system that makes it the most effective treatment method till date. Like other heart disorders, Ayurvedic treatment works efficiently in kidney failure.                                

Kidney failure and its complications 

Kidney failure is the condition in which the kidneys completely lose its functioning ability. Due to the non-functionality of the kidneys, many health complications can appear in your body. Some of the complications that appear in the condition of kidney failure are as described below:   
  • Pain in chest     
  • Fluid Retention   
  • Weakness of Muscles        
Apart from these complications, some other complications can also take place in the condition of kidney failure.                

Signs indicating kidney failure
When the condition of kidney failure occurs, several health side-effects can appear. In the condition of kidney failure, a large number of health symptoms can appear. The symptoms that can appear in the condition of kidney failure are as follow;       
· Persistent Fatigue  
· Shortening of breath 
· Nausea & Vomiting 
· Low urine output  
· Swelling in body; mainly in hands, legs or ankles 
· Prolonged weakness  
· Seizures  
· Coma in some cases    
· Poor appetite  

A few more symptoms can also occur in the condition of kidney failure as it is a fatal health disorder. When you get to notice any of the above health symptoms, immediately visit a kidney expert.                  
Ways that help in detecting kidney failure  

To diagnose kidney failure, undergoing lab tests can be helpful. The lab tests that help in the condition of kidney failure are as follow:  
Urine tests- In these tests, urine samples of a patient are tested in a laboratory to reveal the amount of protein found in the urine.                      
Blood tests- These tests include the testing of blood samples on several parameters to address the amount of substances found in the blood. Those substances are albumin, creatinine, urea, and uric acid, etc.           
Imaging tests- These tests provide the pictures of the internal part of the kidneys; those pictures help in detecting any abnormality related to the structure of the kidneys.     
Biopsy- In some severe cases, kidney biopsy is performed to determine the functioning ability of the kidneys.    
If you undergo any of these tests and your reports are showing abnormal values of the parameters used then it means your kidneys are not well and require adequate treatment immediately.     

When the condition of kidney failure occurs, most of the doctors recommend to follow dialysis and kidney transplant eventually along with medications. These are allopathic treatment procedures that are utilized when kidneys lose their most or all of the functions. Among these, dialysis helps in blood filtration and removing toxins from the blood when kidneys are not capable of doing so. But this procedure doesn’t help in the betterment of kidney health and if this procedure is performed several times; it can cause many health side-effects to occur. While kidney transplant is a kind of surgery that is performed when the kidneys are impaired completely. In this procedure, the damaged kidneys are replaced by a healthy kidney taken from other body; sometimes deceased or live. Due to its complexity, many symptoms are associated with this treatment procedure and even after the successful execution of this procedure; a patient is at higher risk of getting a severe infection. And Allopathy doesn’t guarantee a permanent solution even after successful conduction of such kind of complex treatment procedures. Along with these procedures, many drug-based medications are also used that are very harmful for the health. As a result, Allopathy can’t be considered as a permanent treatment for kidney failure. Rather than, choosing Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure can be a better treatment option.      

Ayurveda is a holistic treatment approach that endeavors to address the roots of a disease and cures them with the help of some sacred herbs and natural treatment procedures. This is how Ayurveda cures a health disorder permanently and naturally. In kidney failure, Ayurveda makes use of same treatment methodology. As a result, Ayurveda eliminates the complications of kidney failure and simultaneously improves the health of the kidneys. As a result, Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure helps in restoring the health of the kidneys and makes you complications-free. This is how Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure is a permanent solution and helps you to get rid of all sorts of complications of kidney failure.    

For acquiring the best Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure, you should contact an expert Ayurvedic kidney hospital or doctor; Karma Ayurveda is an eminent Ayurvedic kidney center that has been providing Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure and has cured many kidney failure patients successfully.

Contact Karma Ayurveda if you are afflicted with the complications of kidney failure.  

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