Preventing Kidney failure with Ayurvedic treatment available in India!

In the analysis of limited options available in Allopathic treatment; we have lost ourselves in finding an alternate solution for the problems of kidney failure in India. It is becoming common these days, even the infants are getting caught by kidney disorders like congenital Nephrotic Syndrome, Fabry disease and polycystic kidney disease. These kidney diseases result in end-stage renal failure if the apt treatment is not taken for the condition at the right time.
How would you feel if your toddler gets affected by such a hideous failure? Or would you like to see your little one battling for his life wrapped and injected with wires and needles? No, no one wants that for anyone. And that is why we are making you aware of the Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure in India.

What roles do kidneys play and what are the reasons for kidney failure?

Kidneys are the pivotal organs of the body that performs multiple options just to keep healthy functioning of human anatomy. Following are the roles that a kidney plays:
Maintaining fluid balance in the body.
Maintain a healthy balance of electrolytes in plasma.
Regulates the blood pressure.
Filters the waste and toxins out from the body.
Converts waste into a liquidated form; urine.
It maintains a pH balance of the blood.
Helps in the production of Red Blood Cells.

But there diseases and disorders that can harm this functioning; following are the types of diseases that can lead to the end-stage kidney failure:

Acute Kidney Disease
Chronic Kidney Disease

Acute Kidney Diseases are the type of diseases that depreciate the functioning of kidneys within a short span.

Chronic Kidney Diseases are diseases that depreciate the functioning of kidneys from a longer period.
How would anyone know if he/she is at the stage of kidney failure?
Strangely, In India, the rate of kidney diseases has increased within a short span. There are total four stages of kidneys disease before they fail:

Stage one: When the kidneys are affected by CKD but the symptoms are not strong enough to determine if the symptoms are of CKD only. These symptoms are cold, flu and viral fever; which normal we consider as a seasonal change disease. The eGFR lies on or above 90 ml/min
Stage two: When the kidneys start to give symptoms like frequent cramps in muscles, liver spots and gastrointestinal problems the condition is mild and the need for treatment may be escaped by the patient. The eGFR is equal to or between 60-89 ml/min.
Stage three: When the situation becomes moderate and symptoms become evident by this stage. An urge for the treatment increases. The eGFR level lays between45-59 ml/min and 30-44 ml/min.
Stage four: When the situation becomes severe and generates an urgent need for a perfect treatment. The kidney damage reaches to 80%-90% damage. The eGFR level lies between 15-29 ml/min.
Stage five: When the kidneys are completely damaged or in a barely-working condition. This is the stage where there is required treatment is either renal transplant or dialysis. The eGFR level drops down to less than 15ml/min.

What are the symptoms of kidney failure?

People with kidney disease in India have discussed the symptoms that have helped their doctors to give them the best Ayurvedic and Allopathic treatment. Before a kidney fails, it gives indications and symptoms to rectify the damage done. The following are the common symptoms of kidney diseases before they fail:

Swelling in feet & hands
Yellow, dark yellow or changed color of urine.
Nausea & vomiting
Inflammation while urinating
Abnormal pain in the abdominal area
Dry skin
Shortness of breath
Lost appetite
Foamy or bubbly pee.
Weight increase because of liquid retention.
Diminished hunger.
Puffy eyes.
Increased or decreased output of urine.
The pale color of the urine.
Blood in the urine.
A sudden change of diet.
Weakness in the body.
Muscle cramps.

What opens the gates for kidney diseases?

If we talk about the causes of kidney diseases then the following will help you in understanding the causes:
High blood pressure.
Inherited kidney diseases.
People on or above the age of 65 are prone to kidney diseases because the kidneys lose efficiency over the growing period.
Frequent infections in the renal system.
Damaged Glomerulus.
The infection spread from other adjacent organs on kidneys

Are there any medicines or herbs included in Ayurvedic treatment?

If we talk about the Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure and kidney diseases in India, the treatment is done by preparing medicines from natural herbs and spices. This is the only treatment that is side effect free and chemical-free.
Following are the directed guidelines that will help in repairing the damage done to kidneys:
Two cups of white radish juice are recommended for the proper functioning of kidneys. It is a great source of vitamin C.
For those who are on dialysis, a cup of sliced watermelon or two glasses to watermelon juice would be beneficial. Dialysis, at times, decreases the water levels of the body.
Beetroot juice has been proven formula to benefit the kidneys. It is recommended that you can take two-three cups of beetroot juice in a day. Cook it till softens and strain it.
When you have an empty stomach, you can take figs. Prepare a potion: a cup of water and 2 figs. Take it in the morning or when an empty stomach.
Eat fruits like cucumber, mango, banana, cranberry, blueberry, strawberry, etc.
Eat fruits & vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, vitamin B complex, vitamin K.
Inculcate yoga & exercises in your daily routine.
Avoid spicy & oily food.
Avoid pickles.
Avoid frozen, canned, packed and processed foods.
Drink Coconut water; it is beneficial for revitalizing the kidneys.
Drink carrot juice or eat carrots as a salad.
Bottle guard is an underrated vegetable that comes with multiple benefits; it helps in curing the diseases other than just the kidney diseases. It helps in fighting the common causes like diabetes & high blood pressure. Its pulp & juice has been one of the Ayurvedic remedies for ages. It helps in curing the related diseases like UTIs.
Tulsi or basil leaves juice mixed with honey should be consumed every morning with an empty stomach.
Add apples in your diet daily. Apples are rich in anti-oxidant properties that help in the proper functioning of kidneys.

Disclaimer: Aforesaid information is just for your reference and should be implied after consulting your doctor or nephrologist only. acute kidney disease treatment in ayurveda

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