Reasons behind kidney failure and its Ayurvedic treatment

Eating healthy and keeping our kidneys healthy is no secret to be unveiled. It is a very common yet not so common thing.

Not eating healthy can be a factor of unhealthy kidneys but genetic disorders always stay the first. Sometimes, few things make the functioning of our kidneys poor due to which the filtration of the blood does not take place. It causes waste accumulation in the body and results in kidney failure. It is essential to treat the condition as soon as possible, or otherwise, it may cause death. The help of the Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure can prevent this condition.

What is kidney failure? 

Kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the lower back. The crucial functions of kidneys comprise of blood purification, fluid balance, minerals filtration in blood,  RBC production, regulation of blood pressure, and management of bone health. All these functions together make the kidney a very vital organ of the body. Kidney failure is the condition when the kidney fails to perform all these functions together at once. Many factors can disturb the kidneys in their performance. Such as - 
  1. Kidney infections and traumas
  2. Dreadful dehydration 
  3. Acute and chronic diseases
  4. Drug abuse
  5. Exposure to pollutants such as toxic air, smoke, etc. 
  6. Diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, and polycystic kidney disease 
  7. Kidney stones

Think about the loss a person could have if the kidney stops working at all. In such a condition, Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure is the best way to get rid of the problem. Taking allopathic medicine could elevate the chances of another related kidney disease. 

What signs do failed kidney shows? 

Whenever our body experiences unusual changes, it makes the condition visible by making specific symptoms associated with the disease. These symptoms help the doctor in the diagnosis of the disease and further treatment. 
There are two ways in which we can say that the kidney fails. The symptoms of kidney failure depend on these two types and also the severity, time, and underlying causes of kidney failure. 
Two types of kidney failure -
  1. Acute renal failure 
  2. Chronic renal failure

Symptoms in acute renal failure 

Signs that a failed kidney makes in the condition of acute renal failure - 
  • Coma
  • Hypertension
  • Confusion
  • Edema
  • Internal bleeding
  • Seizures  

Symptoms in chronic renal failure 

Signs that a failed kidney makes in the condition of chronic renal failure are -
  • Unspecific weight loss
  • Hypertension
  • Anemia
  • Bruises
  • Vomiting
  • Pain in chest
  • Nausea
  • Low appetite
  • Breath shortness
  • Numbness
  • Seizures
  • Itching
  • Headaches
  • Edema
  • Muscle cramps
  • Change in skin color (usually brown) 

Some steps of kidney treatment naturally can be taken in order to prevent the condition from getting worse. 

When you choose to get yourself treated by modern methods, it comprises dialysis and organ transplant. Both conditions are risky and painful. It may leave you with some significant side effects. Sometimes, it fails to provide the permanent solution to the disease and nothing can be worse than undergoing so much pain and getting no permanent solution. Keeping all the consequences of allopathy and artificial methods of treatment choosing kidney treatment in Ayurveda is always a wise move. 

Kidney treatment in Ayurveda can be done at any stage with any amount of severity. Ayurveda suggests the use of natural herbs for the elimination of the causes that leads to the condition of kidney failure. These herbs are available and can be consumed in the form of tablets and edible powders. 

Ayurvedic kidney treatment is beyond herbs and tablets. It comprises of Yoga and other physical practices that show the fast and furious result to the condition. It involves individual lifestyle and dietary changes such as consuming low sodium, reducing stress levels, and doing exercise.

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