What is creatinine and how high levels can be cleared?

Creatinine is a waste product derived from the breakdown of a protein-type “creatine” that is found in the human body naturally. It is produced in the liver and then transferred through the bloodstream to the brain, the heart, kidneys, and muscles of the body.

Why there is a need for a creatinine clearance test?
Only two types of tests have shown helpful results in determining the physical conditions of kidneys. Serum creatinine level test and eGFR rate are the two types that give estimated values that represent the condition of kidneys.
Creatinine clearance can also be evaluated by a mathematical formula that will require factors like age, gender, and race. Creatinine clearance testing determines your overall glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which reflects how well your kidneys are cleaning your blood.

What is the right time to get the creatinine test done?
Kidney diseases usually attack human bodies when they reach the age of 60 or above. It is because kidneys lose their abilities to work properly with growing age.

What are the reasons behind the increased creatinine levels?
Following are the causes by which the creatinine levels of the blood and urine increases and the need for creatinine clearance occurs:
·         Urine infection
·         Diabetes
·         High blood pressure
·         Kidney infections
·         Irrelevant muscle breakdown
·         High dietary meat consumption
·         Drugs

What should be the normal range in creatinine clearance tests?
The normal range of creatinine levels is classified below according to the minimum requirements in blood and urine:
In Blood:
·         Men: 0.6 to 1.2 mg/Dl
·         Women: 0.5 to 1.1 mg/Dl
·         Teenager: 0.5 to 1.0 mg/Dl
·         Child: 0.3 to 0.7 mg/Dl
 In Urine:
·         Men: 107 to 139 mL/min
·         Women: 87 to 107 mL/min

What is the significance of asking for a creatinine clearance test?
You will start feeling a little different in the subsequent manner that you need a serum creatinine clearance test:
·         Constant feeling of thirst and dehydration.
·         Sudden weight gain
·         Swelling in different parts of the body, legs, feet and abdominal areas mainly.
·         Unexplained shortness of breath.
·         Nausea
·         Vomiting
·         Fatigue
·         Dry & itchy skin
·         Leaving in confusion all the time.

What is the suitable treatment for elevated creatinine levels?
Elevated creatinine levels can be treated with two types of treatments, Allopathic and Ayurvedic treatment.
If we talk about the allopathic treatment; the treatment is done by two artificial processes:
·         Dialysis and
·         Renal transplant

Dialysis: It is a popular treatment that everybody opts for. It is an artificial way of clearing the waste and toxins from the body. It is almost like a replica of a kidney that works for a limited period only.

Renal transplant: It is the type of treatment that generates the need at the last stage of kidney 
diseases when kidneys have stopped working or are not responding.
However, Kidney Ayurvedic treatment is a type of treatment that works on the main causes of the disease. It can be done at home after taking advice from a certified Nephrologist.

Following are the home remedies and a little change that can help in creatinine clearance:
·         Stop consuming energy boosting supplements right away!
·         Stop performing strenuous exercises at least now!
·         Consume fiber-rich foods in a moderate amount.
·         Make sure you are never dehydrated!

Apply essential oils for creatinine clearance:
·         Lemongrass oil
·         Orange oil
·         Helichrysum oil
·         Lavender oil
·         Lemon oil
·         Fennel Oil,
·         Juniper Oil, and
·         German Chamomile Oil
·         Basil Oil
·         Jasmine oil
It is a less known fact that everybody could tell but these oils are effective and help in the clearance of excess serum creatinine in blood and urine.
The application is easy and it can be applied in the kidney area.
These oils can also be inhaled and inoculated but only with the advice of your nephrologist.

Diet and lifestyle changes to clear the excess of creatinine in the body:
·         Drink cranberry juice
·         Eat fresh fruits & vegetables
·         Avoid junk food
·         Avoid foods that are rich in protein
·         Eat cucumber, apples, mangoes, bananas, etc.
·         Drink plenty of water
·         Avoid frozen & canned foods
·         Avoid spicy & oily foods
·         Eat vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, bottle guard, cauliflower, etc.
·         Drink carrot & radish juice

Disclaimer: This blog is for your reference only. Any advisory from this article should be taken by consulting your doctor only.

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