Which treatment is better kidney transplant or Ayurvedic treatment?

Kidney transplant and Ayurvedic remedies, these are two different methods of treatment for kidney diseases. The need for these treatments occurs when the bean-shaped organs are hit by unknown sources. Kidney transplant is the replacement of existing kidneys and Ayurvedic treatment focuses on rejuvenating the existing kidneys.


When kidneys are affected by unknown sources, such as bacteria and viruses entering by different sources like the urinary tract or by consuming foods and beverages; these unknown sources start making space for themselves within the body. They start infecting kidneys in various ways and we might not get to know about this at the initial stages.
Kidney diseases can occur because of genetic defaults and inadequate dietary and lifestyle habits. Generally, these conditions occur as an individual reaches the age of 60 years. But sometimes, these diseases are inherited and may occur because of genetic defaults.
In the modern era, kidney diseases have become a global threat as per the records of the World Health Organisation. And the need for treatment has occurred rapidly. In such cases, the most common method of treatment that has emerged as the most preferable treatment by kidney patients is Kidney transplant and dialysis.
But the question is what are these artificial processes are helpful? Do these patients know about the natural methods of treating kidney diseases?

Viewing both the treatments:

Kidney transplant and dialysis are two methods of treating kidney diseases. These are the two parts of Allopathic treatments or we can say that these are the types of manmade methods that are taking space in the medical fraternity rapidly.

On the other hand, Ayurvedic treatment is a type of treatment that is based on curing diseases and disorders with natural methods and home remedies only. This treatment is inclusive of herbs, shrubs, and essential oils that can be performed at home after the advice of a kidney expert or nephrologist.
The need for treatment occurs when kidneys suffer from a loss of functioning for various reasons. In this blog, we will talk about why the need for treatment develops and why these diseases have become common among the generations.

Kidney transplant vs. Ayurvedic treatment:

Why kidney transplant is not a safer choice over Ayurvedic treatment?

A kidney transplant or a renal transplant is a type of treatment that is done at the ESRD (End-Stage Renal Disease). It is a replacement surgery of the existing kidney with the donor’s kidney. This is not a safer choice because even after getting the successful surgery done, there are probabilities that the replaced kidney mail refuses to coordinate with the functioning of your body.
However Ayurvedic treatment is based on the treatments done with natural methods including the elements and components derived from the environment and its resources. It is a type of treatment that focuses on repairing the damaged cells and tissues of kidneys so that it can perform its functioning without interruption. 

Kidney diseases:

Kidneys are the pair of organs with the size of a fist. These organs look like kidney beans that hold the responsibilities of converting wastes and toxins in liquid form and transferring them to the urinary bladder. These are solely responsible for purifying the blood and transporting it back to the heart for further functioning. Kidneys also help in maintaining the balance of electrolytes in plasma and blood pressure of the human body.
But when kidneys start to lose the efficiency of performing these functions it is an indication that they are attacked by disorders and diseases.

Types of kidney diseases:

Kidney diseases can be inherited and spontaneous. Following are the types of kidney diseases that are commonly found in kidney patients:
·         Acute kidney diseases
·         Chronic kidney diseases
·         Polycystic kidney diseases
·         Nephrotic syndrome
·         High creatinine level
·         Proteinuria

Acute Kidney Diseases:

Acute kidney diseases are the diseases that attack the functioning of kidneys suddenly. This can happen because of any accidental loss or trauma that kidney has recently gone through. This loss can occur within 10 to 15 minutes and may take the time up to weeks and a month. Acute kidney disease is a disease that asks for immediate treatment.

Chronic Kidney Disease:

Chronic Kidney Disease is a type of disease that is affecting kidneys from a prolonged period. It is a common disease that is attacked when you reach the age of 60 or above. This disease may not show its symptoms at initial stages but one should be aware that if you have had a family history of kidney diseases. Chronic Kidney Disease is a disease that expects treatment from the beginning of the disease and disorder.

This is the type of kidney disease that develops fluid-filled pouches on or in the surface of kidneys. These pouches are harmless until they grow in size or burst and bleed. These pouches are known as cysts that develop either because of a genetic disorder or may have come from inheritance. This disease can be diagnosed right after birth or even in the womb of the mother. The treatment is done right after the diagnosis.

Nephrotic Syndrome:

Nephrotic Syndrome is a type of disorder that has developed because of several symptoms of kidney diseases, such as leakage of protein, swelling in legs & feet, pain in the abdominal area, etc. This happens when the tiny clusters of kidneys, Glomerulus get damaged and because of which the excretion of protein in urine becomes visible in excess.
It is said that it cannot be treated by allopathic treatment but Ayurvedic treatment is the only method that can reverse the situation without side effects.

High creatinine level:

Creatinine is the waste protein present in the plasma and is a result of metabolic activities performed by the body. It is a breakdown product of protein-type creatine that is acquired by kidneys as a source of energy for the functionality.
Creatinine levels signify the need for treatment for the kidneys when crossed the required and normal levels. It depends on the amount of damage that has been done to kidneys whether they need a transplant or Ayurvedic treatment.


Proteinuria is a condition of damaged kidneys where they do not filter the waste and toxins properly and releases even the essential nutrients and vitamins from the body including protein with urine. The evident symptom that puts a doubt on Proteinuria is foamy urine.

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