Why Ayurveda is the only method of reducing creatinine levels?

Creatinine is the chemical waste product of muscle metabolism, which is eliminated through the kidney. High levels of creatinine consistently indicate that the kidney is not functioning properly. The normal limit for creatinine in the blood and urine is:

In Blood:
Men: 0.6 to 1.2 mg/Dl
Women: 0.5 to 1.1 mg/Dl
Teenager: 0.5 to 1.0 mg/Dl
Child: 0.3 to 0.7 mg/Dl
 In Urine:
Men: 107 to 139 mL/min
Women: 87 to 107 mL/min
Men are usually at a higher level than women, because creatinine increases with muscle mass.

Creatinine is a breakdown product of the protein-type creatine that is releases along with muscle enzymes and other toxins in blood stream.

Factors that contribute to the condition of high creatinine level are dehydration or insufficient amounts of consumed water, intake ACE inhibitors like medicines, aspirin and ibuprofen. Other factors that affect the functioning are chemotherapy drugs, NSAIDS, vigorous exercise, kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and thyroid disorders are chronic diseases, kidney problems and excessive blood loss. Creating a dietary supplement in muscle building and eating large amounts of meat can increase creatinine levels.

Some common symptoms of high creatinine are digestive problems such as hallucinations, vomiting and poor appetite. Fatigue, nocturnal urine-like urinary changes, decreased urine production and dark colored urine, swelling, itching of the skin, and shortness of breath, such as, high creatinine levels can indicate kidney problems and kidney damage. It is best to see your doctor for proper treatment and treatment.

What is creatinine level?

Creatine is a metabolic substance that breaks down and converts into creatinine while helping the diet to convert into energy. By the way, the kidneys filter creatinine out of the bloodstream.
Later these waste substances exit the body with urine, but some health related problems hamper this function of the kidney, due to which creatinine is not released and its level in the blood starts to increase. Increased creatinine levels point towards kidney related disease or problems, but changes in diet, some lifestyle changes, Ayurvedic medicines, etc. can reduce the creatinine level.

What Causes creatinine to reach higher levels?

Kidney disease depends on our daily routine. If the routine is not regular then kidney disease increases in your body, know its main reasons:
Stopping urination
Drink less water
Eat more salt
Negligence in the treatment of hypertension and sugar
Taking large amounts of painkillers
Taking soft drinks, soda and alcohol
Vitamin-D deficiency
overeating foods with protein, potassium, sodium, phosphorus
Irregular lifestyle

What are the symptoms of having high creatinine level?

Symptoms of high creatinine level are:

The biggest problem in kidney failure is that its symptoms are not seen in the beginning, but when the disease reaches by the last stage it starts to show its symptoms then, like:
Feeling tired and weak
Pain while urinating
Swelling of face and feet
frequent urination
lower back pain
Loss of appetite
Vomiting and nausea
Itching and full body rash

What are the available tests?

Signs and symptoms in the body indicate that, if you are suffering from kidney failure, then you can get a doctor to do some tests and he will be recommending you the following:

Measuring urine output - The amount of urine you emit in a day can help determine the cause of your kidney failure.
Urine testing - An analysis of your urine sample by a urine analysis procedure can reveal abnormalities that aggravate kidney failure.
Blood tests - Your blood sample can reveal rapidly rising levels of urea and creatinine.
Imaging Tests - Imaging tests such as ultrasound and computerized tomography (CT) can help a doctor inspect your kidney.
Taking samples of kidney tissue for testing - Doctors may recommend a kidney biopsy to remove a small sample of kidney tissue for laboratory testing. To take a sample of kidney tissue, a doctor can inject a thin needle into the kidney through your skin.
What is the Ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine levels?
Effective ways to reduce creatinine levels:
Do not consume meat: Non-vegetarian foods contain high amounts of vitamins and protein that can cause kidney damage. Taking a high-protein diet increases the metabolic load on the kidney, leading to the risks of developing kidney stones.
Take fewer amounts of salt and sodium: By consuming high amounts of sodium, the body begins to collect fluid and leads to a harmful level causing the problems like high BP. Both of these can increase the creatinine level, so take a low sodium diet. Avoid foods and drinks that are high in salt, such as processed foods, and replace them with a low-sodium, natural diet.
Do not consume alcohol: Although everyone knows about the disadvantages of alcohol, but people still consume alcohol. If you have any kidney related complaint, stop drinking today. Excess intake and daily consumption of alcohol put a bad impact on the liver and kidneys.
Do not hold the urine for too long: Holding the urine for too long puts pressure on the kidneys, but whenever the urine is stopped, our bladder becomes full and the problem of kidney diseases occur because of the accumulation.
Try to sleep for at least 8 hours at night: Due to today's busy lifestyle, people are not able to get enough sleep. According to a research, people sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours are at high risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, so if they do not get enough sleep, this will be affecting kidneys in adverse ways.
Use the right amount of herbal tea and natal leaf: Some special herbal teas reduce the amount of creatinine present in the blood. Herbal tea encourages the kidney to produce more urine. A large amount of creatinine is released out of the body, so take herbal tea regularly to reduce the level of increased creatinine. At the same time, natal leaf also helps to flush out excess creatinine with the urine. The natal leaf contains elements called histamine and flavonoids that helps in the functioning of kidneys and increases blood circulation. It also helps in increasing urine filtration. You can drink natal leaf as supplements or by making tea.

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