Medicine and Treatment for Chronic Kidney disease in Ayurveda

Keeping this body healthy is a fundamental duty to be performed by the human. Keeping body healthy helps us to achieve many targets in life without any problems. We all are aware of the fact that this body works in a cycle. Many organs together form the body system, and each organ is equally essential. The kidney is one such vital organ. We should always take care of our kidneys as it performs many life-saving functions such as waste filtration, hormones production, blood pressure maintenance, and bone strengthening. Many reasons can affect your kidneys negatively; chronic kidney disease is one of those dangerous reasons. The steps towards chronic kidney disease treatment should be taken as soon as the disease is diagnosed.

Chronic kidney disease: Definition and causes

Chronic kidney disease is the condition of kidneys being damaged and losing their capacity to perform a healthy function. It makes the state of our organs worse and makes it easy for the waste to get collected in the blood. It can lead to complications like hypertension, weaker bones, anemia, nerve damage, and poor health. Chronic kidney disease also increases the chances of heart disease in humans over a period. Specific reasons can be accused of causing CKD in humans, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and some other kidney-related disease. If you are lucky enough to detect this condition early, the condition of CKD can be prevented. By doing this, one can eliminate the need for kidney transplants and dialysis. Apart from diabetes and hypertension, many other reasons cause the problem of CKD in person. These reasons are some genetic disorders that make the cysts grow in the kidneys, kidney infections, drug abuse, diseases like lupus, and IgA nephropathy.

These diseases can be treated by ayurvedic medicine for chronic kidney disease.

Stages of chronic kidney disease

The stages of CKD are classified into five stages that entirely depend upon the damage that happens to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the kidneys. The chronic Kidney disease treatment and diet of CKD depend on the stage of CKD.

Stage 1- GFR rate at this stage stays normal, i.e., 90 milliliters or above. Symptoms become recognizable. 
Stage 2- and the GFR rate stays 60 to 89 milliliters.
Stage 3- The GFR rate at this stage stays low, i.e., 39 to 59 milliliters.
Stage 4- GFR rate goes lower than 30 milliliters, which are 15 to 29. 
Stage 5- The kidney fails at this stage; the renal is said to be failed in this stage. GFR falls lower than 15 milliliters.

Ayurvedic kidney treatment helps in bringing down the GFR rate to normal, and it works on any stage of chronic kidney disease.

Ayurvedic treatment and medicines for chronic kidney disease

The treatment in Ayurveda for CKD is heavenly. The medical system of Ayurveda has its roots connected with the history of ancient India. The medicines available in the market today are the modernized form of Ayurvedic traditions and are not authentic. Modern and artificial medicines are the alternatives of Ayurveda. Ayurveda defines personality characteristics as doshas. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the three doshas of the human body, and according to Ayurveda, any disease strikes the body when there is any problem in the doshas. Disease-related to kidneys are caused due to the Pitta dosha.

Kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda is done without any cuts and stitches or pain.

Ayurveda focuses on finding the root causes of chronic kidney disease and function on the elimination of the underlying causes naturally. The herbs in Ayurveda are used in the form of tablets and edible powders that can treat any of the kidney diseases and thus referred to as Ayurvedic medicine for kidney disease. Some very well-known herbs for the treatment of chronic kidney disease in Ayurveda are Gokshura, Chicory, Punnarnava, Palash, etc.

Ayurvedic kidney treatment is not limited to powders, herbs, and tablets, but it is vaster than a person could think. Ayurveda is treating many widespread diseases all around the world and not only in India. For better results and knowledge about the human body, herbs, and nature, there are teachings and counseling provided to people.

Ayurveda focuses on the promotion of a good and healthy lifestyle. Doing Yoga daily can take you out of the risks of many kidney-related diseases. Ayurveda strictly believes that excess of anything is bad and that is why it provides diet plans for every disease. Symptoms of every disease are different, and so as the treatment. The disease requires a balance of nutrition in the body, and nothing can be too much or too little in the body.

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