Ayurvedic treatment for Acute Kidney Failure

Acute Kidney Failure is a loss of kidneys functioning that happens because of various reasons. It is a sudden loss to the functioning of kidneys that disables the functioning of kidneys spontaneously. 

This loss may happen within 10 to 15 minutes or may take time up to a month. The duration of complete damage is short and if not treated then may need to go for the procedures like dialysis and transplant.
But at this sudden loss of the renal system make people follow the former procedure without considering the Ayurvedic treatment for their natural treatment.
Acute Pre-renal Kidney Failure
Acute Intrinsic Kidney Failure
Acute Pre-renal Kidney Failure: 
Kidney requires adequate amount of blood flow to filter wastes from the body. But when the blood flow decreases it leads to Acute Pre-renal Kidney failure. Is this curable? Of course it is. Once the doctors examine the reason behind the decreased blood flow; it can be cured.
Acute Intrinsic Kidney Failure: 
Following factors can be responsible for Acute Intrinsic Kidney Failure:
Frequent intake of drugs & allopathic medicines.
Excess of wastes and toxins in the kidney due to lack of oxygen to the kidney.
Heart attack
Excessive physical activities or an accident may be.
First symptom:
“I just work eat and sleep. I feel tired all the time”
When you feel like this all the time, then this is the symptom of fatigue & drowsiness. It is one of the common symptom and a main symptom of acute renal failure.
Second symptom:
“Whenever I travel for more than 4 hours I can see my feet swollen”
It may happen because of another prominent symptom, Joint pain, Swelling in legs, arms & other parts of the body.
Symptom three:
“Climbing, running, long walks are just impossible for me I pant a lot while doing all of this”
It is another common yet important symptom of sudden loss of functioning; shortness of breath.
Symptom four:
“I don’t like the food; I don’t feel like eating at all”
It may happen because you may have lost your appetite which is a common symptom as well.
Symptom five:
“I cannot think properly what I wanted to talk about”
Confusions all the time: This happens a lot more often when your kidneys have lost the ability to perform their tasks.
Symptom six:
“I feel very cold even when it’s hot”
Fever: maybe because your immune system has become weak.
Symptom seven:
“I saw blood in my urine today”
When the damage or sudden loss is severe, this condition is commonly known as Blood in urine.
Symptom eight:
“My pee looked like a scrambled egg”
This is happening because the tiny filters in kidneys, Glomerulus are damaged and releasing protein in urine. 
Symptom nine
“I cannot sleep properly as I have to get up in the middle of the night to urinate & vomit”
When the wastes are stored in the body it effects the functioning of kidney. This may result into lack of sleep, frequently urination, nausea & vomiting.
Other symptoms:
Frequent changes in the pattern and output of urine.
Pale color of the skin.
Fever and chills.
Back pain.
Following are the causes of Acute Kidney Failure:
High blood pressure or hypertension
Frequent infections in the urinary tract and renal system.
Inadequate supply of oxygen and blood to kidneys.
Hereditary diseases.
Consumption of alcohol and drugs
Overconsumption of painkillers and antibiotic.
Acute Kidney Failure or Instant renal failure can be treated with two types of treatments:
Ayurvedic treatment
Allopathic treatment
Ayurvedic treatment:
Ayurvedic treatment is inclusive of the consumption of natural herbs, shrubs, oils, and changes in the diet & lifestyle. It comprises of the slight changes that help in healing the damage done to kidneys by applying, inhaling, inoculating and consuming natural resources provided by environment and mother earth.
Allopathic treatment:
It is a manmade method of healing the damage and is inclusive of medicines that are made up of chemicals and chemical salts, surgical methods and replacement surgeries.
Two types of methods:
Dialysis: This method performs the tasks of kidneys with the help of machinery and surgical types of equipments.
Kidney transplants: This method is the complete replacement of existing kidney with the outsider’s kidney or the donor’s kidney. 
Both the treatments are done to heal and recover the functioning of kidneys. If you want to know that How kidney failure can be treated with Ayurveda then feel free to reach out to us here.

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