This is why Yoga is helpful for kidney patients!

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An introduction to Yoga 

Our body is like a machine that needs a proper movement to stay in a working condition. Sitting still and no regular exercise can invite many health-related problems especially kidneys. No movement means no muscle metabolism and no waste production, eventually; it will make your kidneys jammed (unable to work). 
Many physical activities help a person to keep the body healthy and fit. Yoga is one such activity. It is the ancient form of physical, mental and spiritual practices that not only keep the body fit but also the mind of the person stays at peace. Yoga consists of postures known as “Asanas”. These postures help in the stimulation of organs in the body and provide a natural massage to the whole body. 
Yoga is a very helpful practice for kidney patients and it does not only benefit the kidneys in particular but it is helping the entire body in staying fit and active. In this blog, we will be reading about the effectiveness of Yoga on kidney patients and how it can be helpful for them. 

How Yoga is helpful for kidney patients?

The kidney performs many regulatory roles in the human body. Some of the very essential functions performed by kidneys are filtration, elimination, and re-absorption. Many unhealthy activities of humans can put the kidneys in danger. Few kidney disorders can be dangerous and can result in kidney failure. In such condition, Yoga comes as a very helpful therapy for kidney patients. It improves the functioning of the kidneys. It helps in reducing and preventing many kidney diseases. Yoga never fails in improving the health of vital organs. Let us know about some of the major positive effects Yoga leaves on the kidney patient. 

  1. When a kidney patient practices Yoga, it increases relaxation. It helps in the management of fluid retention. Yoga provides relief from the insomnia symptom of kidney disease and provides good rest. When you rest well you perform the daily activities well and internally Yoga regulates the heartbeat and water in the body. Yoga does not only help the kidney patients but also every general human in controlling the stress. Some Yoga poses help in removing the toxins out of the body and increase the flow of blood to every part of the body. 

  1. Many asanas and pranayama will help in meditation and relaxation. The study suggests that yoga is very helpful for kidney patients when it comes to the reduction of blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and many inflammatory situations. It also manages diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. When Yoga is practiced daily, it controls the level of sugar and decreases the risks of many diseases. Yoga also plays a major role in the management of chronic kidney disease. 

  1. Yoga helps to fight depression and increases the quality of human life. Depression is one of the very dangerous psychological changes seen in kidney patients. 

  1. It has been seen in many studies that Yoga majorly reduces the pulse rate in the patients. It also reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 

  1. Yoga with no doubt increases the cholesterol levels in the body. Patients who undergo dialysis, Yoga helps them in reducing the pain, sleep disturbance, fatigue, level of creatinine, blood urea, and many more.

  1. Kidney disease always results in the lowering of hemoglobin in the patients and Yoga becomes helpful to them as it helps in the improvement of hemoglobin levels. 

Note - Certain components in Yoga that includes inverted poses such as Sirsasana (headstand pose), Kapalbhati (fast breathing), and Bhastrika should not be done by the patients. These asanas are well known for increasing sympathetic activities in humans and increases blood pressure. Blood pressure is a major reason that causes kidney problems in humans. 
Besides, some cleansing procedures in Yoga such as laghushankhapraskhalana and vaman dhauti are also needed to be avoided as it gives rise to the level of electrolyte imbalances. This results in the increased pressure on the kidney functioning. Yoga in chronic kidney disease should be practiced only on the advice of a doctor. 

Yoga asanas (poses) helpful for kidney patients

  1. Sphinx pose (Salamba Bhujangasana) - This asana involves body stretchings and helps in the strengthening of the abdominal organs. This Yoga asana is also helpful for kidney patients in increasing the immunity levels of their body. 

  1. Boat pose (Naukasana) - This asana plays a major role in improving the digestion in kidney patients. It also helps in reducing stress. In addition, like sphinx pose, this also helps in strengthening of the abdominal organs. 

  1. Cobra pose ( Bhujangasana) - This pose helps in relieving the stress from the body and fights fatigue problems in kidney patients. It is a major immune system booster. 

  1. Bridge pose ( Setu Bandhasana) - Like cobra pose, it is also a good stress reliever. It helps in keeping the blood pressure in kidney patients under control.

  1. Two-legged forward bend (Paschimottanasana) - This Yoga pose helps in the kidney in the stimulation and improves the digestion in the patients. In women, it helps in comforting the menstrual pain.

  1. Half spinal twist ( Ardha Matsyendrasana) - This pose stimulates the liver as well as the kidneys. It plays an effective role in the improvisation of the immunity level in the human body. 

Above was quick information on how Yoga practice can be helpful for kidney patients. We should add Yoga to our daily workout routine to bless our body with a long and healthy life. Being completely natural with no side effects is what more important about Yoga. It can do wonders for your health. 

Karma Ayurveda

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