Proteinuria – Leakage of protein in the urine

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Often it has been observed that changes in the urine are one of the prominent factors leading to the problem of kidney diseases. But the patients have been avoiding and consuming allopathic drugs. If you are doing the same then you better stop doing this and go for a check-up; possibilities are that these changes must be because of leakage of protein or Proteinuria. An Ayurvedic treatment would be beneficial especially if the damage is done because of the consumption of allopathic drugs and narcotics.

Proteinuria is the condition where the leakage of protein is visible in urine when kidneys are not efficient enough to figure out what is waste and what is not. This is because of the damaged Glomerulus in kidneys.

Kidneys are the pivotal organs of the human body. They are accountable for filtering out the waste and toxins out of the body. Kidneys are part of the renal system and they work along with the cooperation of other organs like liver, spleen, pancreas, and large bowel.

Kidneys are filled with tiny clusters (Glomerulus) that filter the waste and toxins from the blood. When these clusters get damaged they start to release even the enzymes and nutrients that are acquired by the human body for the functioning.

There are 20 types of proteins that are found naturally in the human body. These proteins help in various ways for the functioning of the body. For instance Albumin and creatine, creatine is a protein-type that is produced in the liver and is supplied to the different parts and organs of the human body via the bloodstream. Creatine is a protein type that is an energy agent for kidneys, muscles, the brain, and the heart. The main job of a protein-type Albumin is to regulate the blood pressure in the human body and binding the fatty acids, hormones, and all the wastes that consume the space in blood.
Certain causes are there that can be considered as the causes of the leakage of protein in urine or Proteinuria:

High blood pressure
Overconsumption of drugs, narcotics, and Alcohol
Family history of kidney diseases
Auto-immune diseases
Frequent infections in the renal system
Age factors (on or above the age of 65)
Weaker immunity system

It is repeatedly believed that only foamy urine tells a lot about the presence of protein deficiency. But the following are the possible symptoms of Proteinuria:

Swelling in feet & hands
Yellow, dark yellow or changed color of urine.
Inflammation while urinating
Dry skin
Shortness of breath
Lost appetite
Foamy or bubbly pee.
Weight increase because of liquid retention.
Puffy eyes.
Increased or decreased output of urine.
A sudden change of diet.
Weakness in the body.
Muscle cramps.

Chances are that if the disease is not cured at the time then it will leave the doors open for kidney diseases like Nephrotic syndrome, nephritic syndrome, and complications in pregnancy if the woman is pregnant.

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