An Ayurvedic Approach for the Treatment of PKD

PKD is a genetic disorder, and it stands for polycystic kidney disease. It is a genetic disorder and is caused by the flaws in the genes you get from your parents. The cysts develop within the kidneys and can expand. It may harm the functioning of your kidneys. The development of the cyst can make the kidneys larger than its standard size and can damage the underlying cells of your kidneys. There are millions of blood vessels present inside your kidneys, and they act as the filtering units of your kidneys. These blood vessels are known as the nephrons, and it contains the tubules which help your body in the collection of urine. When the nephrons get damaged by the cysts, then you may need to go for the PKD Treatment in Ayurveda. 

PKD is one of the major causes of having chronic kidney disease. If this disorder is not treated timely, then this disorder can turn CKD in kidney failure.

Types of PKD disease

PKD can be classified into two major categories i.e., Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. You will be shocked when we will tell you that ADPKD only develops in your kidneys, but ARPKD develops in both kidneys and liver. ADPKD is also known as the adult PKD because this problem usually occurs in Adults only. In this disorder, you may take 30 to 40 years to notice any symptoms of ADPKD. 

Similarly, ARPKD is the disease of the children that causes disorders in babies from the initial month of their birth or even before that. Some unusual changes in your body may tell you that your body needs a proper or routine test or need PKD Treatment in Ayurveda. These abnormal changes are the symptoms of the disorder, and some of them are as follows:
  • Blood in your urine
  • Severe pain in the abdominal area
  • Side pain
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain in the back.

In allopathy, the treatment of the PKD is dialysis or a kidney transplant. It is a belief that allopathic treatment can give you instant relief from this disorder by working on the symptoms of PKD. But several people are unaware of the fact that allopathic treatment only provides a temporary treatment of this health condition. For the better treatment of this health condition, you can opt for the PKD treatment in Ayurveda. 

Ayurveda is said to be the better treatment option for this health condition because it is hazards free, unlike allopathy.

After choosing Ayurvedic treatment for the permanent cure of this health condition, your kidneys pushes them to be on the safer side of life. Ayurveda is the natural form of the treatment that cannot harm any organ of your body, as well as the kidney. PKD treatment in Ayurveda not only works on the disorder but is also associated with it and may provide you with a treatment that will last longer.

It is the only treatment that will help your kidney cells in rejuvenating itself. Ayurvedic treatment involves the use of natural herbs that will give you permanent treatment in a short period. Many experts consider Ayurveda as the mother of all healing. If you consult from an Ayurvedic nephrologist, then they will suggest some change in your diet and lifestyle to get the possible results. 

Below mention are some of the dietary changes that can help you in preventing your kidneys from being damage:

  • You should follow a diet with low sodium and protein. 
  • Try to avoid the use of processed and packed meals, and cook a meal at your home
  • Consuming nuts, fresh vegetables, and whole grains are the better option.
  • Use olive oil while preparing a meal. 
  • Add healthy fatty acids such as walnuts, flax seeds, and cold-water fish in your diet
  • Eat red meat but in moderate quantity. 
  • Avoid edibles like pasta, aerated drinks, coffee, and alcohol.

It is the brief information about the tips and guides for the better treatment of this health condition. 
If you want a permanent cure from any kidney, then you can visit Karma Ayurveda. Here you are going to expert advice from Dr. Puneet Dhawan.

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