Reduction of high creatinine with Ayurvedic medicine and treatment

Creatinine is a waste product produced when the breakdown of creatine phosphate in muscles takes place. The production rate of creatinine is generally constant. It depends on the mass of the body muscles. It indicates the health of the kidneys. Healthy kidneys can easily filter the waste from the blood and creatinine. There is a limit to which kidneys can handle creatinine in the blood; this is the creatinine clearance rate. This rate later helps to estimate the rate of glomerular filtration, which indicates the blood flow rate through kidneys. 

An increased level of creatinine in blood invites kidneys disease. Modern methods of treatment include the use of dialysis for the removal of this creatinine from the blood. In contrast, Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem includes tablets and edible powder made up of natural herbs. These medicines are the purest form of medication for creatinine. 

Symptoms of high-level creatinine 

Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine says, if the symptoms of high creatinine levels are caught, it becomes easy to give a direction to the treatment. A high level of creatinine in blood refers to the insufficiency of kidney functioning. Sometimes symptoms come clear, whereas sometimes it becomes hard to catch the problem and act accordingly. In such conditions, it becomes hard to decide on Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem. 
Some widespread symptoms of increased creatinine are muscle cramps, itching, loss of appetite, edema, nausea, fatigue, dry skin, insomnia, shortness of breath shortness, nerve pain, vomiting, and excess and low urination.

Ayurveda is said to be the mother of all healings. When it comes to the problem of creatinine, Ayurveda has done wonders to it. Here, we are going to discuss some of the herbs that are taken into consideration many times as Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem. 
  1. Corn silk - Corn silk has some anti-inflammatory properties that help the bladder to fight against the bacteria present inside and elevates the urine excretion; removes excess creatinine from the body. 
How to consume - It is suggested to take two spoonfuls of dry corn silk and boil it for a while. Let it sit for a minute or two and drink it. 
  1. Dandelion root - The natural medicinal extract of dandelion root helps in the omission of toxins out of the body and lowers the level of creatinine in the blood. 

How to consume - It can be consumed in the form of dandelion tea.

  1. Barley - Barley is said to be a natural detox for kidneys. It helps in the reduction of nitrogen levels in blood urea. Some other benefits of barley include its assistance in the reduction of blood sugar level and improvisation in the digestion process.
How to consume - It can be used in the form of flour. 

  1. Sage - This is used as one of the natural medicine in Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine. It is a herbal tea that helps in improving the creatinine condition and kidney output. People with liver problems and diabetes are suggested to stay away from this natural edible. 
How to consume - It is a herbal tea and can be consumed regularly. 

  1. Chamomile tea - This tea contains antioxidants that help in the removal of toxins out the body in an effortless manner. It brings down the level of creatinine in the blood. 
  • To consume - It is a herbal tea and can be consumed three to four cups daily. 

  • From the herbs mentioned above, one can bring down the creatinine level in the blood without dialysis and the pain in many ways. Ayurvedic medicine for creatinine problem is one such remedy. Given here are some methods that will help you to bring the level of creatinine down to normal. 

  1. Never do heavy exercises as it will cause muscle metabolism and, eventually, increased creatinine. 
  2. Put a check on the amount of protein you are taking or eliminate the protein intake to prevent any such conditions in the future. 
  3. Avoid health supplements that contain creatine. 
  4. Consume a balanced amount of liquid as per the suggestion of your doctor. 
  5. Eat fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. 

 Ayurveda is said to be the superior form of healing. It can treat any disease at any stage. Not only the kidneys but also any organ can attain its treatment in Ayurveda. 
Ayurvedic treatment for creatinine includes the use of natural herbs with no additive and a few dietary changes. 

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