Behcet’s disease: Signs, Causes, and Complications

Behcet’s disease, also called Behcet’s syndrome, is a rare condition in which the blood vessels of the entire body start to inflame. It can lead to various complications that may seem to be incomprehensible at first, such as genital sores, inflammation in the eyes, etc. In the worst case, inflammation in the eyes can go as worst as blindness.
Symptoms of Bechet’s disease
The symptoms of the condition vary from person to person, and the severity even cannot be predicted in advance. Parts of the body may also get affected, such as:
·         Skin: Some people may develop acne problems on their skin, rashes, and tender nodules.
·         Mouth: Painful sores in the mouth are the common signs of Behcet’s disease. In the initial, they begin as lesions that take the form of ulcers later.
·         Genitals: Inflammation on the scrotum or the vulva can occur, making the skin appear red and swell.
·         Eyes: Uveitis gets inflamed and causes reddishness, blurred vision, in one or both the eyes.
·         Joints: Swelling in the joints can make the movement painful and cause knee pain. It also includes pain in the elbows, wrists, or ankles.
·         Digestive system: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting also occur at the time of Behcet’s disease. 
·         Brain: Inflammation of the brain cause severe headache, poor balance, or fever, etc.
·         Blood vessels: Inflammation of the arteries and veins may cause you life-threatening condition, such as brain aneurysms.
The underlying causes of Behcet’s disease
It is mostly an immune system disorder that attacks the healthy cells of the body.  In some cases, a genetic and environmental condition also enacts a role. Several genes also increase the risk of inflammation in the blood vessels and thus cause Behcet’s disease.
Some bacteria or viruses can also cause inflammation and manifest Behcet’s.
What are the risk factors of Behcet’s disease?
Factors that can likely increase the risk of Behcet’s disease are as follow:
·         Age: This disease mostly affects people men and women in their 20s and 30s. Adults and children can also develop this condition.
·         Sex: Condition is more prevalent in men than in women.
·         Genes: Certain genetic conditions are also linked to Behcet’s disease.

The complications of Behcet’s disease relate to the signs; for example, uveitis can cause poor or blurry vision.

When to see a doctor
See your doctor if you notice unusual signs and symptoms related to Behcet’s disease. If you have been diagnosed with the same, then taking early treatment can help prevent various life-threatening conditions from attacking in.

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