How does chronic kidney disease affect the body?

Chronic kidney disease means the kidneys are damaged and are not able to filter the blood as they are supposed to. The term “chronic’ means long term damage to the kidneys, which took time to develop into a disease. The damage may allow the toxins to build up in the blood, increasing the risk of a heart stroke, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular diseases.
Your kidneys have been work loaded with blood filtration, urine formation, and the production of red blood cells. To keep the body maintain the blood pressure, the kidneys help to retain the needed amount of fluid and drain excess. Similarly, they also help to balance the salts and mineral balance, including the calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium.
All these functions of the kidneys are quintessential for the proper functioning of the body. Of chance, the kidneys fail, which happens because of various well-being condition, you need a treatment that can eliminate the impurity from the blood. Though people prefer opting for dialysis, there are other ways also, like Ayurveda, through which you can get rid of kidney problems naturally.
The effectiveness of the treatment can further increase if you are able to diagnose kidney problems in their early stages.
Who is more likely to get chronic kidney disease?
You are more likely to get CKD if you have one or more of the following risk factors:
Diabetes: High blood sugar is a leading cause of the failing health of the kidneys. Diabetes can make the blood vessels in the kidneys to get inflamed over time. Within 5 to 6 years of diagnosis of diabetes, you will have the kidney function declined by 10% every year.
High blood pressure: High blood pressure means the flow of the blood against the wall of the kidneys is quite high, resulting in damage to the filters of the kidneys. Almost 1 in 5 adults have high blood pressure that can cause them CKD.
A family history of kidney disease: If your mother or father had some kidney problems in the past, then there are high chances of you developing CKD somewhere in the future. Often kidney disease runs in families. So, if anyone in your family has a low kidney function, then you need to take extra care of your kidneys with a better diet plan and ayurvedic treatment.
Glomerulonephritis: It is a condition resulting because of the inflammation of the filters of the kidneys called glomeruli. Glomeruli help blood get filtered while keeping the nutrients necessary in the blood and removing the waste from therein.
Polycystic kidney disease: PKD is an innate condition allowing the kidneys to have sac-like openings over the kidneys. This growth may get filled with fluid over time, resulting in kidney failure in the worst scenario. Mostly, alterations in the PKD1 and PKD 2 gene are the main reason behind the occurrence of kidney cysts.
Other causes of chronic kidney disease include:
  • Pyelonephritis (A type of infection)
  • Autoimmune disorders such as lupus
  • Kidney stones
  • Recurring UTI
  • Exposure to toxic metals
  • Too much intake of analgesics such as NSAIDs
  • Excess consumption of alcohol and smoking 
What are the symptoms of chronic kidney disease?
You may have chronic kidney disease and still, feel fine. Our kidneys have a greater capacity to function well, even with mild damage to them. Those with one kidney only can still survive and remain healthy.
This is why people are hardly able to know that they have an ongoing condition in the body as the signs don’t appear until the end. For many people, the only way is to have the kidney function screened with the help of urine and blood tests. Some people accidentally get to know they have unhealthy kidneys, though the signs are apparently visible, they coincide with other problems.
Fluid retention, because of the low kidney function, can possibly result in the swelling in the legs, face, arms, and ankles. The other symptoms that can appear in the advanced stage include:
  • Chest pain
  • Dry skin
  • Itching or numbness
  • Feeling tired
  • Headaches
  • Increased or decreased urination
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sleep problems
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
What are the complications that can affect the body?
Kidney disease cause health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and in the worst scenario, you may also have a heart stroke.
High blood pressure can be a cause as well as a sign of kidney problems. Hypertension can result in fluid retention, which may further affect the vessels of the kidneys. On the contrary, kidney disease also causes high blood pressure.

The ayurvedic approach to curing kidney disease is the natural way to get rid of complications arising because of low kidney function. The ayurvedic herbs purposely work on the channels of the kidneys and remove the obstruction that causes kidney disease. The obstruction in the incoming and outgoing channels prompts the kidney to shrink and swell. Herbs like Kaasni, Punarnava, Gokshur can help to slow down the progression of CKD into the late stages of kidney failure.
The other benefits of CKD include:
  • Help manage blood pressure
  • Lets you control diabetes
  • Improves the cells and tissues
  • Influence the ability of the disease to fight against the disease
  • Help you stay vitalize
  • Increase the potential to stay healthy
Preventive measures to be followed during the treatment
  • Eat less salt
  • Avoid protein in your diet, especially animal sources of protein
  • Phosphorus is also unhealthy; make sure you eat less
  • Potassium can make the kidneys to work hard
  • Phosphorus
  • Avoid nicotine
  • Drink less alcohol
  • Sleep well, at least for 7 hours daily
  • Reduce your stress level
  • Manage blood pressure
  • Cut down sugar from your diet
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