You could have escaped reaching stage 5 of CKD if you were taking Ayurvedic treatment. But it’s better late than never. Ayurveda is the holistic approach for any disease because it has been curing the diseases that are non-curable according to the manmade methods of treating Chronic Kidney Diseases or CKD.

Out of five stages of CKD, stage 5 is also said to be the End-Stage Renal Failure (ESRD). It is a stage where the Estimated Glomeruli Filtration Rate (eGFR) drops down below 15 ml/min. A stage where even the dialysis doesn’t work and the physicians recommend having a renal transplant.
But even if you have one there is no certification by any surgeon or nephrologist that you will be walking around freely and without any complications. Chances can be that your replaced kidney may not support your body’s functioning even if you get an exact match of a kidney from a donor.
CKD stage 5 is a crucial stage where there are a lot of risks involving death-risk and the risk of acute kidney failure.

CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment is a bonafide treatment that can reverse the condition and restore the functioning of kidneys without undergoing any surgical methods and artificial methods.
Most people believe that kidney patients who take Ayurvedic treatment are prone to get at stage 5 of CKD but that is completely an allegory. Matter of fact is that only Ayurvedic treatment is the only foundation of repairing and restoration of kidneys and the lost functioning of kidneys respectively.  
How Ayurvedic treatment works at Stage 5 of CKD?

Ayurvedic treatment is all about inhaling the natural resources and exhaling the waste and toxins consumed in the past by us knowingly or unknowingly.

The key components of Ayurveda for CKD in kidney patients at stage 5:
·         Consumption of foods that are kidney-friendly.
·         Consumption of herbs and spices that can help in the excretion of waste and toxins.
·         Practicing kidney-friendly yoga poses.
·         Mediating.
·         Following three rules of Ayurveda; Dincharya, Ritucharya, and Sadvritta.
You can say that CKD is a hidden disease for some, not because of the negligence but because of the confusion. It is difficult to say that a patient having fever, cough, and cold in winter blues has an underlying CKD.
Many of us leave these symptoms considering a seasonal change. Following are the symptoms identifying at different stages:
Symptoms at stage 1 of CKD:
·         Frequent fever
·         Cold
·         Cough
Symptoms at stage 2 of CKD:
Symptoms including of stage 1 and:
·         Flu
·         Puffy eyes
·         Mild changes in the urine output
Symptoms at stage 3 of CKD:
Symptoms including of stage 1 and 2 and:
·         Fatigue
·         Changes in the color of urine
·         Nausea
·         Restlessness
·         Tiredness
Symptoms at stage 4 of CKD:
Symptoms including of stage 1, 2 & 3 and:
·         Vomiting
·         Heavy breath
·         Abdominal pain
·         Blood clots in urine
·         Severe edema
·         Loss of appetite
·         Obstructed passing of urine
 Symptoms at stage 5 of CKD:
Symptoms including of stages 1, 2, 3 & 4 and irritation in nerves, skin pigmentation, and change in skin color.
Ayurvedic treatment is helpful at every stage of CKD only if followed with trust on your Ayurvedic kidney expert or nephrologist. Ayurvedic kidney care is a boon for the kidneys. Know that Ayurveda for CKD is the science of life that has been used as a supernatural power of healing the damage done to nature’s creativity.

How CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment is helpful?

Natural treatment is an authentic way to cure the damage done to the kidney by the consumption of inappropriate diet and lifestyle.

A little change is acquired by the Ayurvedic medicament in the way you spend your daily life and diet you are following. 

Changes in diet and lifestyle are not hard to follow; all you have to do is follow the three principals of Ayurveda we discussed above.

Changes in diet those are helpful in CKD stage 5:
·         Consume fresh fruits and vegetables only.
·         Replace common salt with rock salt.
·         Consume seasonal fruits and vegetables only.
·         Do not drink packaged beverages as they are rich in chemically made preservatives.
·         Avoid foods that contain high amounts of potassium, phosphorus, and sodium.
Changes in lifestyle those are helpful in CKD stage 5:
·         Get up early before the sunrise.
·         Excrete and take a bath.
·         Practice yoga asana.
·         Meditate for an hour.
·         Eat-in intervals and consume less than appetite.
·         Be optimistic.
·         Don’t smoke.
·         Avoid consuming alcohol.
·         Lead an optimistic life.

During kidney diseases, an adverse impact has been seen on the psychology of a patient. This may be happening because of the frequent visits to the hospital during dialysis and fear & anxiety in preparing themselves for a transplant and recovery. 

But as we said that Ayurveda is the science of life; that means it heals from head to toe, in and out of an individual. CKD stage 5 Ayurvedic treatment is helpful because it heals the body, mind, and spirit of the diseased. 

Chronic Kidney Diseases are the diseases that are depriving the condition of the kidneys of a prolonged time. This can be because of inheritance or genetic disorder. 

Don’t believe when someone says that only renal transplant and dialysis are the options that are helpful in curing the kidney at stage 5 of CKD. Because Ayurvedic treatment is the type of treatment that doesn’t let this situation come if taken from the initial stages. 

It works on the root causes of kidney diseases and rectifies the damage done. If you are looking for an Ayurvedic medicine for CKD then you should choose Ayurveda over manmade treatment for Stage 5 of CKD.

Disclaimer: This article is for your reference only; consult with your nephrologist before applying it to you. If you are looking for Ayurvedic medicine for CKD then you can visit us here.