taking deep insight into Ayurvedic kidney treatment in India, let’s understand
the fundamentals related to kidneys and their diseases.
are kidneys and their functions?
are the vital organs in the human body that are known to perform many tasks for
keeping the body healthy and well-working. Kidneys have almost a million
nephrons that act as filters and make kidneys filtering organs in the human
body. Some primary functions of the kidneys are:
Cleansing the blood and excreting wastes and other impurities from the
Maintaining the overall fluid level in the blood
Regulating the blood pressure
some hormones that help in making and keeping bones strong
Triggering the production of red blood cells
other functions are performed by healthy kidneys. If the kidneys fall impaired
by any reason then they will work properly in their mild damage condition but
as the condition worsens, they may lose their functions due to severe damage in
indicating kidney disease
mentioned above that in their mild damage condition, the kidneys work properly
so they don’t cause any symptoms to occur. And when the damage to the kidneys
is severe, they become incapable of carrying out their functions. In the
non-functioning state of the kidneys, many health complications can occur and
they cause several symptoms to appear in the body. Some of those are:
Nausea & Vomiting
· Poor
or no appetite
Problem in focus
Fluctuation in urine output and color
Swollen hands, feet or legs
Puffiness on face
Abnormal shortness of breath
· Pain
in back or sides of the body
· Not
able to sleep properly
· Foamy
· Blood
in the urine
these symptoms may quite similar to the normal symptoms that we get in our
daily to daily life; that’s why people ignore these symptoms or take them
lightly. Due to this confusion, they come to know about the condition when the
condition gets or when their kidneys are damaged completely which is also known
as kidney failure. So, if you notice any of the above symptoms, you should
immediately reach to your family doctor or physician immediately.
of kidney disease
you reach a doctor, he will suggest you to undergo some lab tests for
determining the exact cause of the symptoms. If he fails in the prognosis, in
this condition, you will have to undergo lab tests as per his recommendation.
Most of the doctors recommend below tests for detecting kidney diseases
Urinalysis is a kind of test in
which the urine samples for a period of 24 hours are collected and examined for
determining the abnormal protein level in the urine.
Blood test, as the name implies is
the test that uses some blood samples of a patient. The purpose of this test is
to reveal the present amount of creatinine, albumin, urea and uric acid in the
Screening tests including Renal
Ultrasound, CT Scan, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging present the pictures of the
internal section of the kidneys. By analyzing the picture, an expert can detect
if there is any abnormality related to the size and shape of the kidneys.
Sometimes, kidney
biopsy is also recommended for the detection of the present
functionality of the kidneys.
if your kidney test reports are positive?
your test reports show some abnormal parameters then it means your kidneys are
not well and they require special care and treatment. In kidney diseases,
Ayurveda has emerged as the best treatment or you can also say that people were
not aware of the effectual healing property of Ayurveda. It is an ancient
remedy method that believes and follows the treatment ways mentioned in the
Indian Vedas. This remedy science believes that our body encompasses the
potential of curing itself and it aims to trigger that healing characteristic
of the body with the help of some sacred herbs, natural treatment techniques,
and some lifestyle changes. This is how Ayurveda targets all the aspects of a
health disorder along with stimulating the natural health and hence
functionality of the diseased parts or organs in the body. Eventually, it
eliminates the complications and revives the health of the organs and makes
them normal and healthy once again. As a result, Ayurvedic treatment
rejuvenates your body and makes it healthy.
kidney disease treatment, Ayurveda uses the same principle. Ayurvedic
kidney treatment in India suggests some herbal medications,
natural treatment procedures, and lifestyle changes to cure kidney disease
completely. The best feature of this treatment is that it gives you permanent
relief by curing kidney disease from its roots. It uses only natural medicines
and procedures so that the chance of side-effects is nil. In a nutshell,
Ayurveda offers a permanent, natural and hazards-free kidney treatment. Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment in India helps the kidney patients in
India to attain wellness once again.