Does a normal creatinine level mean a normal kidney?

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Generally, normal creatinine level indicates healthy kidneys but it’s not true completely. Kidneys are one of the most adjustable organs in the human body and they work efficiently even in their mild damage condition. As we have two kidneys and when one kidney falls impaired, the other kidney is capable of carrying out the entire functions of the other kidney efficiently. As a result, when one kidney becomes damaged severely, your creatinine level will remain normal. As a result, if you have a normal creatinine level; it doesn’t mean your kidneys are healthy. Only lab tests such as Urine and Blood tests can help in determining whether your kidneys are healthy or not. That’s why most of the doctors recommend you to take health checks at regular intervals even when you are healthy. Physical tests help in detecting even serious health disorders at their initial phase which is easily curable.   
You will notice symptoms related to kidney diseases when your kidneys are impaired severely. So, when you notice symptoms of kidney disease, it means your kidneys are in serious condition and they require proper treatment. If this condition is ignored, it may lead to kidney failure which is a fatal health condition. If you are afflicted with any kind of kidney disorder then you can opt for Ayurvedic treatment for the best solution. Ayurvedic treatment includes natural herbs, eating regimen and some lifestyle changes to cure kidney disease. This treatment targets the root causes of a health disorder so cures it permanently. The best part of this treatment is that it doesn’t use any kind of artificial or Allopathic treatment so this treatment doesn’t leave any kind of side-effects on the health. 

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