How protein supplements are increasing the risks of kidney failure in Gym goers!

It may surprise you to know that every time you consume that protein shake after gyming is taking you a step close to the risk of kidney failure. In a recent study, it has been found that one out of ten gym-goers were taking protein supplements that lead them to the initial stages of kidney failure.

Here we are sharing one of the experiences of gym-goer Mr. Rishabh Sharma (name changed on request). He explained that how did he fell into the situation and what he did to come out of the situation to us that we will be discussing throughout the blog.
“I was a fitness freak, always concerned about having a perfect muscular body.” 
It is a common spirit found in the youth these days. Everyone wants to be muscular like Triple H, The Rock, and Batista (famous athletes and WWE superstars). Maybe they follow a diet chart according to the instructions given by their instructors.
But overdoing or overconsumption is always injurious to health and so does consuming excess of protein supplements for better results are injurious.
This is where the diseases and disorders hit the kidneys and may end up by resulting in End-Stage Renal Failure.
Kidney diseases and kidney failure:
Kidneys are the pivotal organs of the human anatomy. They are accountable for filtering wastes, toxins and maintaining an adequate balance of fluids in the body. They are solely responsible for purifying the blood and transporting to heart for further functioning.
“I was advised to take energy providing or you may call them protein supplements for boosting energy levels and strengthening my body but I thought consuming more than recommended would help me more but it lead me to the problem of high creatinine levels and Rhabdomyolysis.”
What is the need of protein by kidneys?
A specific type of protein naming Creatine is acquired by kidneys as an energy-providing agent. It is a protein-type that is produced naturally in the liver and supplied through the bloodstream to kidneys, the brain, the heart and muscles of the body. Creatine also helps in cutting down the elevated sugar levels during diabetes and reduces fatigue.
What is creatine?
Creatine is a natural energy provider in the human body and helps in keeping the muscles intact and in shape. But when we perform strenuous exercises, our body needs more energy and support to enhance the size and quality of muscles in the body. 
 What is creatinine 101 and how it affects Gym goers and athletes?
Creatinine 101 is a protein supplement that is recommended by gym instructors and fitness instructors to the gym-goers and athletes for improving the physical activities. 
It is a supplement that boosts energy, strength and adds muscle mass of gym-goers. 
What are the side effects of consuming more than recommended protein supplements?
Following are the side effects of consuming protein supplements more than recommended:
The problem of renal stones.
Sudden weight gain.
May damage the liver’s functioning.
Frequent muscle cramps.
Problematic digestive problems.
Damage to the kidney filters; Glomeruli.
“I was in agonizing pain that leads to the problems of nausea; it was the pain I never experienced before.”
Rishabh was unaware of why he was experiencing unbearable pain. But when he got the diagnosis done, it was Rhabdomyolysis.  
Rhabdomyolysis is a muscle breakdown that releases in the bloodstream along with muscle enzyme and creatinine. It is a potentially damaging syndrome that can lead to End-Stage Kidney Failure.
Disease prevalence:
This syndrome happens when gym-goers and athletes perform physical activities in high temperatures and excess. The average people that have gone under the treatment of kidney failure are 40%.
“I observed that I was urinating more often and had a brownish color of my urine passed.”
Rishabh explains how he started to feel changes in his body that pushed him to get this predisposition checked.
Constant feeling of thirst and dehydration.
Sudden weight gain.
Swelling in different parts of the body, legs, feet and abdominal areas mainly.
Unexplained shortness of breath.
Dry & itchy skin.
Leaving in confusion all the time.
Weakness in muscles.
Muscle cramps.
Muscle swelling.
Changes in the color texture and smell of urine.
Fluctuations in blood pressure.
Though we are talking about how Rishabh landed to these conditions we thought of giving you other causes as well:
Strenuous exercises.
Crush syndrome.
Decreased blood flow or supply.
Fluctuations in the levels of sodium in the blood.
Fluctuations in the levels of body temperature.
Frequent infections.
Inflammation in muscles and kidneys.
Overconsumption of protein supplements.
Overconsumption of drugs and alcohol.
Electrical shock or injury.
Metabolic disorders like ketoacidosis.
“Ever since I got diagnosed with both the problems, I went to my physician and he recommended me to seek the advice of a Nephrologist. I went to one of the most reputed hospitals but was not satisfied with the treatment. Then searched a lot about the alternative treatment and it was then when I found out about the Ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine levels and Rhabdomyolysis”
Rishabh shared his experience where he mentioned the suffering during the allopathic treatment. He then switched to the Ayurvedic treatment that provided him with lifelong lasting results.
Following are the Guidelines that are mentioned to every athlete and gym goer during the Ayurvedic treatment:
Progress gradually in your workout program according to your existing fitness, whether it's cardio, circuit, or weights.
Monitor your fluid intake, particularly when your workout is long, intense, or hot, and especially all three together. The risk of Rhabdomyolysis increases with dehydration. That said, don't go overboard; more fluid is not necessarily better.
Don't exercise hard on low-calorie diets or after long fasting periods. Ensure you have sufficient fuel onboard to allow your muscles to work efficiently. Be careful of low-carb diets mixed with hard and long exercise.
Avoid recreational drugs like alcohol before exercise, and don't take illicit recreational or performance-enhancing drugs. Be cautious of genuine over-the-counter needs like anti-inflammatory drugs and check with your doctor about prescription drugs. Rhabdomyolysis may develop in response to certain medications, but that's uncommon.
If you are a gym-goer and consuming creatinine 101 supplement then you should get the diagnosis done for a safer side. 

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