Protein supplements and elevated risk of renal failure

Kidneys are very crucial organs of the human body. It has many essential and giant functions despite its size. The primary purpose of the kidneys is the eradication of the byproduct of protein metabolism. It is a well-known fact that protein intake or excess of protein in the human body exerts many varied effects on the kidneys. Protein intake plays a vital role in causing chronic kidney disease in humans. Therefore, a reduction in the regular amount of protein intake can amend the symptoms of chronic kidney disease. Protein intake can elevate the risk of renal damage in three ways: the advancement of nephrolithiasis, increase risk of acute renal failure, and stimulation of glomerulosclerosis. Excess protein can cause problems like proteinuria. Although proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment helps in getting rid of the condition real quick. Generally, protein is present in the human body as it helps muscles, skin, and bones in a healthy condition. A person can get protein and all the required nutrients from the food. In case there is a lack of certain kinds of nutrients in the body, it can be taken through supplements. Protein supplements and renal failure are somewhat interconnected. Protein supplements increase the amount of protein in the human body and exert pressure on the kidneys, which leads to many renal diseases like CKD, PKD, and proteinuria.

In this blog, we will read about protein supplements and renal failure.

Protein diet and renal disease

This is an era of social media where there are many influencers and advertisements telling people about fitness and diet. Protein diets are in trend these days. A negative side of this diet freak generation is, some people are consuming these supplements without the proper knowledge of the product and its effect on their organs. Discussed below are some damages that a high protein diet or protein supplements can cause to the kidneys.

1. Without any doubt, it is known that protein supplements and renal failure are connected in many ways. Besides, it also causes problems like obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, etc.
2. Some available supplements in the market promise a rapid reduction in weight. These supplements are highly based on protein and fewer carbohydrates. The results shown by these products are said to be unsustainable, but the effects of these protein supplements on the health of the kidneys are highly sustainable.
3. An elevation in the amount of protein in diet due to all these protein supplements affects the blood flow and causes renal failure in humans.
4. For the patients of chronic kidney disease, it is suggested to avoid protein intake as the intake of protein will create protein waste, and it is hard for the CKD renal to throw this waste out of the body. This may prompt the accumulation of protein wastes in blood and causes problems like nausea, anorexia, weakness, etc.
5. Also, keep in mind that many renal diseases do not show their symptoms at an early stage, and protein intake can make the condition worse with time. It might be possible that you are suffering from renal disease without any clue. Therefore, it is essential to know your body and the product best before making use of it. 

It is crucial to keep in mind that a balanced diet and regular exercises are enough to keep oneself healthy. It is okay to get attracted by all the fancy advertisements and lifestyles of the influencers but never choose the wrong for your own body. The requirement of everybody is different. Have a discussion with the dietitian before adding any protein supplements in the diet as it may cause renal failure.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Proteinuria

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