is the chemical waste produced by the metabolic activities of the body muscles.
It is known as the creatinine. It is a waste and should be eliminated by the
healthy kidneys via urine. Healthy kidneys are responsible for the essential
functions of the body. They are responsible for the filtration of all the
chemical by-products carried by the blood and excrete them from the body
through urine. If any of the functions get interrupted or impaired by any
disease or condition, then the creatinine level rises and may need Ayurvedic
treatment for high creatinine level. The following are some of the reasons
that are responsible for the hike in the creatinine level are:
- Consumption of Various
supplements, medications, and foods can raise the standards of creatinine
in the blood.
- Consuming large amounts of
proteins and red meat (high protein content)
- Doing strenuous exercise
- Kidney impairment and infections
or high creatinine indicate kidney disease.
that can affect the kidneys resulting in high creatinine levels
certain diseases increase the level of creatinine in the blood that are:
- Gout
- High blood pressure or
- Diabetes or high blood sugar level
- Blood loss caused by shock
- Abnormal muscle breakdown due to
muscular dystrophy or rhabdomyolysis.
- Urinary tract infections
- Autoimmune disorders, such as
- Good pasture syndrome
treatment for high creatinine level can tackle down all these situations
without any side-effect on any organ of the body.
that may occur during the High Creatinine level
is the initial stage of kidney disease, and symptoms that occur during kidney
disease are non-specific. Some of the possible signs of high creatinine level
- High blood pressure
- Swelling or edema in most of the
organ of the body
- Nausea and vomiting
- Shortness of breath
- Changes in urination
- Dehydration
- Muscle cramps and chest pain due
to the accumulation of the fluid
- Fatigue
- Confusion
treatment reduces these symptoms but can’t reduce the creatinine level. Even
doctors themselves told that there is no allopathic drug that can reduce the
creatinine level but can stop the hike of creatinine level.
lose hope as Ayurvedic treatment for high creatinine level can
reduce the level of this waste from the blood by using some herbal medicines
and dietary modifications. Some changes can help you in lowering creatinine
level that is mentioned below:
- Reducing protein intake – According to some researches, the
creatinine level increases in the individuals who consume cooked red meat.
Red meat is a muscle tissue containing creatine, and when it is cooked it
breakdown into creatinine. It is the reason why the creatinine level rises
when a person eats red meat. Everyone’s body requires protein; therefore,
it should become through vegetables and beans.
- Increase dietary fiber intake
– Fiber can
provide a wide range of health benefits such as managing the creatinine
level. Many foods, including vegetables, fruits, seeds, and whole grains,
contain fiber.
- Avoiding dehydration – Dehydration is also responsible
for the hike in the creatinine level. Severe dehydration can cause even
cardiovascular disorder and also affects other organs of the body. It can
be life-threatening. Try to avoid soda and drink normal water or you can
add mint, lemon, or cucumber.
- Herbal tea is also a good option
– Anyone who
is experiencing dehydration should see the doctor as much as they can
because it can be a sign of a kidney injury. Some people who do strenuous
exercise without consuming sufficient fluid, then also they will face
kidney injury.
Ayurvedictreatment for high creatinine level includes all these dietary modifications.
Along with these diet changes, you have to consume herbal medicines that can
help you to get rid of this disorder.