What are the complications of chronic kidney disease?

What is chronic kidney disease?

Chronic kidney disease is the gradual loss of kidney function, which disturbs the normal functioning of the body. CKD does not happen all over once, in a night, but months or even years. This slow damage to the kidneys occurs at such a subtle level that you will hardly be able to recognize the declining health. Sometimes, the damage to the kidneys can go severe and in extreme cases, lose their life eventually. So, it is essential to look at the possible sides of CKD to prevent any complication in the later stage.

Kidney’s filtration process

We have two kidneys, each located at the lower back, and measuring the size of a fist.  Each kidney has around 1.5 or 2 million nephrons. These nephrons are the blood vessels which are further made up of glomeruli and tubules. The glomeruli filter the blood while the job of the tubule is to keep the essential nutrients like protein to stay in the blood. After the filtration process, the tubule returns the needed substances to the blood. But if the nephrons or glomeruli get inflamed, the kidneys may have a tough time keeping their function. So it is crucial to maintain their well-being and promote healthy function.

The signs that come after CKD

Since your kidneys are a natural healer, they can sustain a little bit of damage to their function. But given the late stage of CKD, it is hard to return to the original function of the kidneys with the help of allopathy. The fluid retention in the late stage can cause swelling in the body parts. 
However, you can avert the damage to the kidneys by taking assistance from Ayurveda, Ayurveda works on the root level and influences the cells and tissues positively.
Here are the signs that may help you figure out CKD:

Chest pain
Dry skin
Itching or numbness
Feeling tired
Increased or decreased urination
Loss of appetite
Muscle cramps
Shortness of breath
Sleep problems
Trouble concentrating
Weight loss

What are the complications of chronic kidney disease?

The complications that may appear because of the body’s inability to filter waste resulting in the hazardous levels of waste build up inside the bloodstream.

The complications of chronic kidney disease include:

High blood pressure: High blood pressure means the blood is flowing with high speed against the walls of the bloodstream. High blood pressure is known to be the most significant cause, as well as a sign of kidney disease.
Protein loss: Protein loss occurs when the kidneys filter gets inflamed. With the damage filters, the tubule allows the protein to skip through them along with the urine.
Fluid retention: The protein called albumin gets lost from the body during CKD. The main job of the albumin is to maintain a healthy balance of the fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. With low albumin levels, the level of the fluid in the body also gets disturbed.
Edema: Swelling is another complication that may appear because of the low kidney function. The facial area, eyes, and the lower part of the body become bloated with fluid. Often, the kidney patient finds it hard to walk because of swollen legs and feet.
Anemia: The kidneys help produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which is involved in the production of red blood cells. As the kidney becomes malfunctioned, there is low production of RBCs, causing anemia.
Poor concentration: The waste deposit in the bloodstream may not allow the oxygen to reach the brain and other areas. It is why a kidney patient has a problem retaining things in mind.
Cardiovascular diseases: The toxic substance in the blood flowing in the blood vessels may also create complications related to the heart. The heart needs a continuous flow of blood (purified) to supply oxygen throughout the body. But, if the kidneys fail or become damaged, the heart on the other side may not function well and increase the risk of a heart attack.
Breathing problems: Panting is the condition that arises when the lungs receive toxic blood. The low oxygen level in the blood makes the individual face severe panting.
Hyperphosphatemia: Your kidneys help maintain the right balance of minerals such as phosphorus and protein. Hyperphosphatemia is a condition that occurs when the blood has too much phosphorus in it. Hyperphosphatemia may make the bone fragile or weak.
Hyperkalemia: Just like phosphorus, too much potassium can also increase the risk of irregular heartbeat and heart disease.

So, it is critical to be aware of the signs that may appear with chronic kidney disease so that you can start with the early treatment. Ayurvedic treatment by Karma Ayurveda can also help to cure the symptoms and the underlying cause of the disease. As of now, we have successfully treated thousands of patients with chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda. For more information, visit us!

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