According to Ayurveda, in the human body, three basic energies exist which are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These energies are named Doshas. Several aspects of our life such as diet, physical activities or lifestyle, etc. also put impact of our health. Any of the disease takes place due to the disturbed balance of these energies. Ayurveda believes that with the perfect balance of these energies one can keep himself healthy.
As a result, if it
comes to treating a health disorder, Ayurveda tries to find out the doshas
imbalance responsible for causing disease and fix it. Consequently, a person
gets permanent relief from his health complications after taking Ayurvedic
treatment. Ayurvedic treatment includes natural sacred herbs and natural
treatment procedures to help a patient in re-attaining the doshas' balance.
Along with that, a large part of the treatment procedure revolves around the
lifestyle of a patient because Ayurveda is completely aware of how the
lifestyle of a person affects his health. In kidney damage, Ayurveda uses its
same old procedure that is very useful in kidney damage.
Kidney damage is the
condition in which the kidneys become damaged and lose their functions. Before
discussing about Ayurvedic medicine forkidney damage, let us tell you about kidneys and their functions.
Functions of the
Kidneys are the organs
located on either side of the body within the abdomen against the back. These
organs contain a large number of nephrons. Due to filtering nephrons, kidneys
are also known as filtering organs in the human body and perform a large number
of functions. These organs majorly perform
- Filtering blood
- Removing impurities and toxins from the blood through
- Excreting excess fluid and maintaining the fluid
balance in the body
- Generating some hormones that help in making red blood
- Regulating blood pressure
Apart from, kidneys
perform many other functions that are essential for good health.
When the kidneys
become damaged, they become incapable of carrying out most of their functions.
Due to stopped functionality of the kidneys, many health complications can
occur in the body.
Signs of kidney
As we all know, every
normal human being has two kidneys but a person can live a normal life even
with one kidney. So, when one kidney of a person gets damaged, his other kidney
is there to help his body in staying healthy by performing the functionality of
the kidneys. When kidneys are damaged minorly or mildly then work well in this
condition as well so they cause no symptoms. Only in the severe damage
condition, the kidneys lose their functions resulting in some health
complications as well as symptoms. Some kidney disease symptoms are as
- Change in the urine output
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Foamy urine
- Blood in urine
- Weakness
- Loss of appetite
- Decreased memory
- Swelling in different body parts such as hands, feet or
- Muscle cramping
- Pain in the abdomen or side of the body
- Skin itching, etc.
Many other symptoms
can also appear that may vary from one patient to other. Ayurvedic medicine for kidney damage are the best suitable for
making you free from the symptoms as well as kidney damage.
What are the causes of
kidney damage?
Kidney damage can
occur due to several reasons including medical conditions or any other factors.
The major causative factors responsible for damaging kidneys are
· Diabetes
· High blood
· Low blood flow to
the kidneys
· Dehydration
· Consumption of over
the counter medicines
· Smoking and
· Direct damage to the
Moreover, several
other reasons can also impact the health of the kidneys and may cause them to
get damaged.
How you can diagnose
kidney damage?
Urine sampling test,
blood tests, Renal Ultrasound, CT scan, Biopsy, and MRI are the lab tests that
can be helpful in the diagnosis of kidney damage.
Lab tests use specific
machines or equipment that provides the value or measurement of the parameters
that can help in detecting kidney damage. Based on the test reports, an expert
doctor can confirm whether your symptoms are linked to kidney damage or any
other health condition is responsible for appearing of the symptoms. If your
reports indicate that your kidneys have damaged then this is the time, one
needs to opt for the best kidney disease treatment. This is the time when
Ayurveda comes into action.
To cure the condition
of kidney damage, Ayurveda has several medicines which are generally the
composition of natural herbs. These medicines are very powerful as they help in
relieving the complications; at the same time, they also stimulate the health
of the kidneys by reviving them. As a result, Ayurvedic medicines are boon for
the kidney patients as these medicines possess the potential of restoring the
health of the kidneys as well as eliminating the complications associated with
So, contact an
Ayurvedic kidney specialist who will suggest you the best Ayurvedic medicine for kidney damage
as per your kidneys’ damage rate. Ayurvedic
medicines for kidney failure will help you in healing your kidney condition
naturally and hence safely.