Healthy kidneys perform many crucial functions for the body, like balancing the appropriate balance of electrolytes or minerals. They are also responsible for the removal of the waste products and excess fluids, producing red blood cells, and controlling the blood pressure. When your kidneys are not able to perform these crucial jobs well enough, then it means your kidneys are failing and asking for appropriate treatment. Having kidney failure means that:

  • More than 85-90% of the kidney’s function is gone
  • The kidneys are not working well to keep you alive

In allopathy, there is no permanent cure for this disorder, but with the help of Ayurvedic medicines, you can live a better quality of life. Usually, people link kidney failure with a death sentence, but it can be made to reverse with the help of Ayurvedic medicines.

The causes of kidney failure:

The kidneys may fail because of a physical injury or certain disorders like diabetes, high blood pressure, or other diseases. High blood pressure and diabetes are the two common culprits of kidney failure. Both the conditions affect or inflame the filters of the kidneys through which the blood passes during the filtration process. Some of those conditions include:

·         Interstitial nephritis
·         Polycystic kidney disease
·         Obstruction of the urinary tract
·         Vesicoureteral reflux, a condition that causes urine to back up into your kidneys
·         Pyelonephritis, an infection in the kidneys

Kidneys don’t fail overnight. Kidney failure is the end result of the piecemeal loss of kidney function. In fact, many people remain unaware of the occurrence of having kidney disease until their kidneys fail. It is because the kidneys are adaptive in nature and can compensate for the loss of the functions. Signs usually develop in the later stage.

Ayurvedic medicines and treatment can restore the kidneys functions naturally, without any side-effect on any organ of the body. Ayurveda can also eliminate the need for dialysis and kidney transplant by recovering the damaged cell of the kidneys.

If you are in search of the appropriate kidney disease treatment, then you can contact Karma Ayurveda treating kidney patients since 1937 and intending to stop kidney dialysis.