What is acute kidney failure?
Acute kidney failure is the
sudden episodes of kidney failure that may occur within a few days, weeks, or
hours. It is a kidney disorder that may also affect the other organs of the
body, such as the brain, heart, and lungs. Most commonly, this disease is
prevalent in patients who are already in an intensive care unit for the
treatment of other severe illnesses. Several reasons may also cause AKD
and Ayurvedic treatment for acute
kidney failure can cope up with all such causes of this
disease. The delay in the treatment of this health
condition may decrease kidney function, and over time, it may lead to chronic
kidney disease.
It is a universal fact that kidneys are the most imperative and sensitive
organ that is responsible for performing multiple functions for the body. All organs are interconnected because they
have to depend on each other for the smooth functioning of the body. Kidneys
are responsible for the multiple functions, and filtering the blood is one of
them. In addition, they also help in controlling the blood pressure and
generating hormones for the production of red blood cells.
What are the symptoms of Acute Kidney
Usually, there are no symptoms at all. Sometimes, people accidentally get
to know about AKD. Complications occur when they are near to end-stage or have
reached ESRD.
The signs that appear in the later stages are as follow:
- Urine frequency reduces
- Edema or swelling in your legs, ankles, and feet due to the buildup of the fluid
- The feeling of tired and drowsiness all the time
- Shortness of breath
- Itchy and dry skin
- Joint pain
- Loss of appetite or not feeling hungry
- The problem in thinking clearly
- Severe pain or pressure in your chest
- Muscle twitching
- Seizures or coma in rare cases
- Stomach and back pain
- Severe Fever
- Rash
- Nosebleed
If anyone notices any symptom,
then they must opt for Ayurvedic treatment for
acute kidney failure, or they should consult with
Ayurvedic nephrologists for the specific treatment.
What causes acute kidney failure?
Mainly, there are three causes of acute kidney failure, but they are also
caused due to the several reasons that are cited below:
- Obstruction in proper blood flow to the kidneys. It may be caused due to the following reasons:
Severe infection, especially in the urinary
Liver failure
Consumption of medications like aspirin,
ibuprofen, naproxen, or COX-2 inhibitors
Heart failure or cardiovascular disorders
Blockage in the proper urine flow that occurs
because of:
Kidney stones
Nerve damage in the bladder
Bladder, cervical, colon or prostate cancer
Blood clots in the urinary tract
Direct damage to the kidneys, like:
Cholesterol deposits in your blood
Blood clots in and near to veins around
your kidneys and urinary tract
Medications like ibuprofen and naproxen can
directly damage kidneys
Multiple myelomas
If anyone wants to manage or heal this disease, then it is essential to
choose Ayurvedic treatment for acute kidney failure.
Most people with acute kidney disease are already in the intensive care
unit for the treatment of other illnesses. Your kidneys may take time to
recover, but mostly, the duration depends upon the reason which caused AKD.
is a sudden condition that needs dialysis to keep the kidneys healthy. If acute
kidney failure is not managed timely, it can lead to other kidney
abnormalities. For the complete and the most reliable treatment of the disease,
you may need to choose acute kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda.
is one of the oldest and the holistic therapies that can heal any disorder
naturally from its roots, irrespective of the stage, type, and severity of the
disease. Kidney treatment in Ayurveda is a natural process that can heal any
kidney patient without involving risky therapy.