Kidneys are the bean-shaped organs located at the lower abdominal area under the ribcage. These are located at the lower back of the abdominal area under the ribcage.
Because they are a look-alike of kidney beans they are known as the bean-shaped organs. These pair of kidneys is of an adult’s fist size.
They receive blood that needs purification via bloodstreams (arteries) and transport purified blood via bloodstreams (veins).
What is the structure of kidneys?
Kidneys are a part of the renal system connected to ureters. Each human kidney consists of 1 million nephrons that are further divided into micros and Glomerulus. The structures of kidneys are not aligned in the abdominal cavity because of the position of the liver in the abdomen.
What are the functions of kidneys?
Kidneys are the pivotal organs of the human body that plays integral roles in keeping the human body healthy and fit. They not only responsible for the filtration process but perform the following functions as well:
• Maintaining a fluid balance.
• Maintaining a perfect pH balance.
• Filtering or sifting of wastes and harmful toxins.
• Regulating the balance of electrolytes in the blood.
• Helping the formation of red blood cells.
• Transferring the purified blood back to the heart.
• Converting the wastes into a liquid state that is known as urine.
• Transferring the produced urine to the bladder with the help of ureter tubes.
But when these kidneys get afflicted then multiple disorders can take place in human anatomy. But kidney failure is the worst of them all. Kidney failure is a circumstance of a kidney that has been afflicted in the past and now has stopped working either partially or completely. All the kidney diseases arise when the kidneys’ filtering agents Glomerulus gets damage. Numerous reasons can be held responsible for impaired functioning like overconsumption of alcohol, painkillers, and inherited kidney diseases. But the concern that bothers every kidney patient in India is that “Can Ayurveda reverse kidney failure?”
The answer is yes! Ayurveda is the solitary method of medicament that can reverse the damage and revive the functioning of organs naturally. No needles and no surgeries, just consumption of natural resources and modifications in the diet & lifestyle.
The structure and functions of kidneys will get affected by diseases like Polycystic Kidney Diseases that may change the structure of kidneys. To prevent the disruptions in the structure and functions of kidneys you can choose Ayurvedic Treatment for kidney failure.
How Ayurvedic treatment for kidney diseases can help in reviving the structure and function of kidneys?
Ayurvedic Treatment for kidney diseases:
Ayurvedic treatment is an all-natural way of curing chronic kidney diseases. It is the only type of treatment that holds the powers of rejuvenating the kidneys even at the last stages. It is based on the following directed guidelines provided by the team of kidney expert Dr. Puneet Dhawan and his dieticians in Delhi, India:
• Consumption of natural herbs, shrubs, spices, oils, and extracts of flora and fauna
• Changes in the diet
• Changes in the lifestyle
Consumption of natural herbs:
This is the type of treatment that involves the consumption of natural herbs and shrubs, in the forms of powders, oils, raw and cooked forms. Following are the medicinal herbs that help in kidneys rejuvenation:
• Turmeric: it is best known for its taste in foods but is a herb to be used to cure the inflammation.
• Urva Ursi: This is the herb that is used to cure the problems of kidney stones.
• Dandelion: This is best known for losing weight but to your surprise, it is a helpful herb (roots) that is used to cure inflammation and kidney stones. Drinking dandelion tea helps in reducing the risks of strokes.
• Horsetail: This is known for curing the infections caused in the renal system.
Changes in diet:
Many of us change our diet plan for losing weight, but changing diet for the kidneys revival is very rarely known. During an Ayurvedic treatment, even the dietary changes can help a lot in the smooth functioning of kidneys. Following are the dietary changes that are asked to keep kidneys healthy:
• Consume fresh fruits and vegetables only.
• Consume seasonal fruits only.
• Avoid the consumption of frozen foods and processed foods.
• Drink fresh juices that are derived at home only.
• Avoid beverages containing soda.
Changes in lifestyle:
Ayurvedic treatment doesn’t ask you to change your lifestyle upside down. This includes just minor changes in the lifestyle, such as:
• Get up early before the sunrise.
• Excrete and take a bath.
• Practice yoga asana.
• Meditate for an hour.
• Eat-in intervals and consume less than appetite.
• Be optimistic.
Disclaimer: The aforesaid is for your reference only. Kindly consult your nephrologist before the application.