Ayurvedic remedies for urine infection in female

A urinary tract infection is an infection in the parts of the urinary tract. The parts of the urinary tract include:
·         The kidneys
·         The ureters
·         The bladder
·         The urethra
Most infections in the urinary tract come from the bladder and the urethra. Females are more at risk of developing a urinary tract than men do because they have a shorter urethra that makes it easy for the bacteria to travel all the way to the bladder.
The urinary tract infections in the bladder are annoying and dramatic. If left untreated, they can transmute to the kidneys and spread therein.
There are various ways to treat urine infection in females, but the most profound approach lies in the hands of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic medicines act as a perpetual way to avert the unfurling of bacteria in the kidneys and the surrounding areas.
According to Ayurveda, the human body is made up of the dhatus and the channels. In the case of the kidneys, the channels carrying urine to and fro from the kidneys are known to be mutravaha srotas. The channels begin at the kidneys, the bladder stores the urine, and the ureters are the path through which the urine gets passed. The end or opening to the bladder is the urethra.
When men have infections in the urinary tract, its consequences are no less than an enlarged prostate. The infections in the urethra cause symptoms such as burning sensation, too little urine with a frequent need to urinate. The urine may cause too pain when passing and has blood and smell in it.
The Ayurveda thinks the UTI to be a cause of imbalance in the Pitta dosha. Ayurveda offers a way to balance such dosha and improve the function of the kidneys.
The factors that can aggravate the pitta dosha and prompt UTI are:
·         Eating foods that are too hot, sour, or spicy
·         Suppressing the urge to urinate
·         Habitually retaining urine in the bladder for long periods
·         Exposure to extreme heat, and overexposure to sunlight
·         Emotions of anger, impatience, jealousy
·         Environmental factors such as intoxicated chemicals, or toxic fumes
·         Not drinking enough water
·         Drinking alcohol

Signs you have a urinary tract infection

1.       Burning sensation: Intense pain while urinating is one of the most common symptoms of urine infection. The bacterium responsible for this is the E. coli that gets into the urethra.
2.       Little or no urine: You may have the strong urge to urinate, but hardly will you pass a drop or no urine at all.
3.       Needing to pass urine a lot: Many women need to pee, even when they just went lately. This frequent urge to pass the urine doesn’t produce much urine.
4.       Blood in the urine: Often, the blood comes along with the urine because of the leakage of red blood cells from the filters of the kidneys. The urine also appears cloudy or foamy at the time of UTI.
5.       Pain in the abdomen: Tenderness in the abdomen is another common sign that appears during infections in the urinary tract. The pain may travel from the abdomen and moves to the lower back when the infection spreads to the kidneys.
6.       Fever: Fever accompanied by chills is a sign that you need to get tested for the infections in the urinary tract. You may also feel puckish or nauseated because of the bacteria in the blood.

Diet for UTI

Since the infections are prompted because of the imbalance in the Pitta dosha, you are suggested to consume a diet that can help detoxify the body. The diet, as suggested by the Ayurveda, will help to balance the Pitta dosha and release too much heat from the body.
Make sure you drink or consume enough water to help flush down bacteria naturally out from the body. Cranberry or pomegranate juice can greatly help reduce the Pitta balance and so in the elimination of the infection from the body.
The following foods should be avoided during the prevalence of urinary tract infections:
·         Alcohol
·         Caffeine
·         Coffee
·         Carbonated beverages
·         Chocolate
·         Refined or refined sugars
·         Processed foods

Ayurvedic remedies for urine infection in female

Consume plenty of water: Drink as much water as you can and empty the bladder when you need to do so. When you do not empty the bladder completely, the bacteria stay in the system, from where they spread to the parts of the urinary system and multiply. Drinking at least eight glasses of water on a daily basis will do you good.
Cranberry juice: Cranberry juice is recommended to the patients who want to eliminate bacteria from the body naturally. While there is no supportive evidence for it, but still cranberry has been believed to prevent the bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract.
Do not hold urine: Holding urine for quite long when you are busy working can be dangerous in the later stages as it may not harm you initially. The bacteria in the urine gets the chance to grow and multiply, leading to urine infections in females. Drink lots of water so that you have to pee more.
Take garlic: Taking garlic can help to remove toxins and heat from the body. This is effective in reducing the bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections.
Coriander seeds: Soak three spoons of powdered coriander seeds with one spoon of powdered rock candy in 3 cups of water. Let it still for overnight. The net morning, mix it well and drink 1 cup, thrice a day. This will help to reduce Pitta balance in the body.

Yoga for your kidneys

Yoga can target the kidneys and the abdominal area to influence their working and strengthen the genitor-urinary organs naturally. For a healthy kidney, you can include Bhjangasana, Setu Bhanda Sarvangasana, and Dhanurasana pose in your healthy routine.
Ayurveda offers a unique combination of diet, lifestyle, herbal medications, and yoga to make the urinary system healthy and balance the body.
For more information about Ayurveda for your kidney problem, consult Karma Ayurveda.

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  1. Cranberry is good for UTI. I tried this remedy but for reducing burning sensation, pain the natural supplements for uti can cure infection fastly.
