What are Nephrotic Syndrome and its Ayurvedic Treatment?

Nephrotic Syndrome is a group of several symptoms that gathers together and attacks the functioning of kidneys. It is not a disease but a type of disorder that lives in kidneys until left untreated and opens the doors for diseases to attack the immune system of the human body.

What are the causes of Nephrotic syndrome?

Kidneys are the filtering agents of the human body and they filter 150 quarts of blood every day. This functioning is further performed by the tiny blood vessels or units naming Glomeruli. Also, this pair of organs is responsible for the conversion of waste and toxins in the form of liquid that released out of the body with the passing of urine. But when the Glomerulus present in kidneys gets damaged, the functioning gets obstructed; following are the causes of Nephrotic Syndrome:
·         Diabetes.
·         Autoimmune diseases.
·         Membrane Glomerulonephritis.
·         Blocked blood vessels.
·         FSGS.
·         Lupus.
·         Protein buildup.
·         Overconsumption of steroids and narcotics.
·         Inherited diseases
·         Genetic disorders
All of the above said causes put an adverse effect on the kidneys that eventually leads to the imbalanced functioning of kidneys.
At times, autoimmune diseases don’t affect the functioning of kidneys directly but the medications taken to cure those diseases affect the functioning of the renal system.
Diabetes is a type of disease that is the base of getting caught by kidney diseases. It decreases the production of insulin and the necessary energy providing elements that are necessary for the functioning of kidneys and the organs of a renal system.
Lupus is the inflammation in the different organs of the body that includes kidneys and damage to the blood vessel of kidneys.
FSGS or Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis is a disease where glomeruli of the kidneys are traumatized by the genetic defects.

What are the common symptoms of suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome?

Following are the symptoms of having Nephrotic syndrome:
·         Pale fingernails.
·         Dull hair.
·         Intolerance of food.
·         Food allergies.
·         Restlessness
·         Discomfort.
·         Proteinuria
·         High cholesterol levels.
·         Albuminuria.
·         Edema or Oedema.
·         Foamy urine.
·         Sudden weight gain.
·         Lost appetite.

What are the tests available to determine the condition?

The following types of test can help in diagnosing the condition of kidneys during Nephrotic syndrome:
·         Urine test
·         Blood test
·         Imaging test
·         Kidney biopsy
Urine test: 
Just like any other test, this test helps in understanding the amount of protein the body is losing in a day. 
Blood test: 
This test is done to check the levels of albumin, cholesterol and other chemicals in the blood.
Imaging test: 
When none of the above tests show the accurate results, this test helps in understanding the picture of kidneys by visualizing different types of equipment.
Kidney Biopsy: 
This is the type of test that includes a few surgical instruments. A part of the tissue is taken from kidneys to understand the condition of the kidneys.

What can be the complications and after effect of Nephrotic Syndrome?

Following will help you in knowing the complications and after-effects of the disorder Nephrotic Syndrome:
·         Hypercoagulability
·         Hyperlipidemia
·         Malnutrition
·         Hypertension
·         Acute renal failure
·         ESRD 
·         Increased risk of infection
It is the result of an excess of loss of protein in the urine. It is the risk that can make a patient bedridden and prone to get caught by thrombosis and pulmonary embolus. 
It is the condition where your blood has excess amounts of lipids or fats in human blood. These lipids can be present in forms like cholesterol and triglycerides.
Excess loss of protein can lead your body to lose weight all of a sudden and may release essential nutrients along with proteins. This can also become one of the reasons for having severe edema, chronic malnutrition, and pleural effusion.
Uremia can induce elevated blood pressure.
Acute renal failure (ARF): 
Nephrotic Syndrome can become one of the serious reasons for getting a sudden loss to kidneys that are termed as Acute Renal Failure or Acute Kidney Injury.
Risk factors for progression to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) associated with MN include male gender, poorly controlled hypertension, renal insufficiency, and heavy Proteinuria.
Increased risk of infection: 
This loss of protein in excess can open the gates for other diseases and infections to enter the renal system and lead to the dysfunctioning of kidneys and will increase the health risks.

What is the Ayurvedic treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome?
Ayurvedic treatment is based on changes in the diet and lifestyle of a person. A little change in the diet and lifestyle can help you in refraining from the situation. Following are the guidelines provided by Karma Ayurveda for the medicament of Nephrotic Syndrome:
·         Watch out your protein intake: A Nephrotic syndrome patient can only consume up to 1 gram per kg of protein in a day. If your nephrologist is recommending more or less than this, follow his advice. He knows the current status of your body.
·         Reduce the intake of sodium: The limit of sodium intake during the day is 400mg per meal. Also, replace common salts with rock salts. Rock salts have a low percentage of sodium comparatively.
·         Consume homemade food: Start preparing your food at home and use oils such as olive & coconut oil.
Following are the lists of foods that can be consumed and avoided during the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome:
·         Tuna fish
·         Beans
·         Peanut butter
·         Soybeans
·         Apples
·         Watermelon (without seeds)
·         Sapodilla
·         Lettuce
·         Tomatoes (without seeds)
·         Boiled potatoes
·         Boiled rice
·         Whole grains
·         Cottage cheese
·         Tofu
·         Milk
·         Butter
Foods that are restricted according to an Ayurvedic diet chart for this syndrome:
·         Processed cheeses
·         High-sodium meats (bologna, ham, bacon, sausage, hot dogs)
·         Frozen foods
·         Canned foods
·         Pickled vegetables
·         Salted potato chips, popcorn, and nuts
·         Salted bread
·         Get up one hour before the sunrise. Take a bath.
·         Practice yoga poses like Pranayam, cobra pose, monkey pose and wind relieving pose.
·         Perform mild exercises, just like stretching and bending.
·         Don’t perform exercises that include weight lifting and a lot of strength.
·         Avoid the consumption of painkillers and anti-biotic.
·         Avoid consuming alcohol; this will damage the condition of kidneys even more.
·         Quit smoking already, the smoke that enters the human body blocks the blood vessels and lead to certain medical conditions.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is just for your reference and should be implied by the advice of your certified Nephrologist only.

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