We bet you never knew these 7 functions of kidneys

What are kidneys?

Your kidneys are the two bean-shaped organs that are located on either side of your spine and just below ribs. The average size of your every kidney is around 4-5-inch-long, which is roughly equal to a large fist.

The primary function of the kidney is to filter blood and removes waste from them. It is the most common function of your kidneys, but they do much more than this. We are going to mention some essential and unknown function of your kidneys. 

After the filtration of the blood, it goes back into the other organs as per the requirement by them. The waste removed by your kidneys is collected in your urinary bladder and gets excreted in the form of urine. Each kidney has around a million tiny filters called nephrons that act as the filter of your kidneys. They are highly adaptive; that is the reason why you may not face any symptom until your kidneys are severely damaged.

There are several functions of the kidney that is essential for the fluent functioning of your body:

  1. Regulation of arterial blood pressure – Your kidney plays a vital role in the management of arterial blood pressure. Your renal artery pressure directly regulates the excretion of excess sodium that is one of the main reasons for having a hike in your blood pressure. Higher blood pressure is much more insidious than the normal level. If the blood pressure is affecting you for a prolonged period, then it may cause little discomfort and can create an obstruction in the Functions of the kidney and rupture the significant blood vessels.
  2. Regulation of ion concentrations – Ionic regulations is the maintenance of various concentrated ions in your body. 
  3. Regulation of water and electrolyte balance – Your kidneys are responsible for maintaining the electrolyte balance by filtering toxins and other fluid from your blood. Your kidneys help in maintaining the balance between daily consumption and excretion of electrolytes and water.  
  4. Production of red blood cells – Your kidneys are responsible for the production of red blood cells. If there is low red blood cell count in your body, then that situation is known as the Anaemia. It usually occurs when your kidneys are not able to perform its functions fluently. 
  5. Regulation of osmolarity – It is balancing the intake and excretion of sodium along with water. It means to reduce the sodium level in your kidneys.
  6. Gluconeogenesis – It is a metabolic process organism that generates sugar for the catabolic reaction from non-carbohydrate precursors. Glucose is the only energy source used by the brain that tests, erythrocytes, and the kidney medulla.
  7. Regulation of acid-base balance – Your kidneys help to maintain the acid-balance by the excretion of the hydrogen ions into your urine. Your kidneys also reabsorb bicarbonate from your urine. 

These are the essential and the least commonly known Function of the kidney. Healthy kidneys perform all the functions of your kidneys, but when its situation gets bad to worse, and then you may have to face many health-related uses like swelling, nausea, high blood pressure, and vomiting.

If your kidneys get severely damaged, then you may be asked by the doctors to go for dialysis and kidney transplant surgery. You can also opt for Kidney treatment in Ayurveda

Karma Ayurveda is one of the well-known Ayurvedic kidney care centre in Delhi. If you want any assistance or want to opt for the reliable Ayurvedic treatment, then you can opt for Karma Ayurveda.

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